Defender Marine / West Marine

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I've found that especially since Defender's pricing has gone up, there's not just 1 good source for parts. I often spread my orders around, as one of the good places is cheapest for certain things, but another place is cheaper for something else. Fortunately, there are still quite a few good sources to choose from. And Defender has done fine with the couple of orders I've placed since they got bought. The only 2 things I've noticed are higher prices and no more splicing services.
I used to be a manager for B.O.A.T./US when they had retail stores. I managed two stores on the Great Lakes, one in mid-Atlantic.
Licensed Captains and mechanics on staff… we had a team of specialists to help anyone.
But it, (the retail side of the company), never made a buck, and rich people, even high-minded idealists, get sick of losing money before long.
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