Ski in NC
Technical Guru
Nothing wrong with low oil pressure at hot idle on a DD. It freaks a lot of people out, especially those used to gassers.
Remember that the con rods are drilled to carry oil to the piston cooling nozzles on the tip of the rod. Constantly spraying the underside of the piston (on trunk pistons). On two piece cross-head pistons (turbo versions) the piston has a semi-closed volume fed by the rod that fills the chamber and "shakes it" to cool the crown.
There is a lot of oil diverted to cooling the pistons, and that means low pressure at idle.
Some seem to have bigger pumps, probably just to get customers to quit complaining about it.
If I see hot idle oil pressure at 500rpm at 5-10psi, I don't even blink. Should be 35-40 at hot cruise rpm of 1500-1800.
Nothing wrong with a "chirp" from oil press alarm when shifting. At least you know the alarm is working!!
And DD's run oil HOT. Folks wonder why I wear jeans doing a summer DD test run. Rub a bare leg against a 230F oil filter and you are getting blisters!!
You can idle these things down to usually 500rpm with a good governor and careful setting of the governor/buffer screw. But with some combos of big prop and certain gears (that shift quick), if set too low will stall. I set them so at hot idle I can go from fwd straight to rev and if it stalls, set it up a bit higher. In a maneuver, when operator needs to go straight from fwd to rev it usually is a situation where you don't want a stall!!
Old Allison hydraulic gears were great on not stalling. Nice slow clutch engagement gave the engine a chance to recover. But one complain about that, too.
Remember that the con rods are drilled to carry oil to the piston cooling nozzles on the tip of the rod. Constantly spraying the underside of the piston (on trunk pistons). On two piece cross-head pistons (turbo versions) the piston has a semi-closed volume fed by the rod that fills the chamber and "shakes it" to cool the crown.
There is a lot of oil diverted to cooling the pistons, and that means low pressure at idle.
Some seem to have bigger pumps, probably just to get customers to quit complaining about it.
If I see hot idle oil pressure at 500rpm at 5-10psi, I don't even blink. Should be 35-40 at hot cruise rpm of 1500-1800.
Nothing wrong with a "chirp" from oil press alarm when shifting. At least you know the alarm is working!!
And DD's run oil HOT. Folks wonder why I wear jeans doing a summer DD test run. Rub a bare leg against a 230F oil filter and you are getting blisters!!
You can idle these things down to usually 500rpm with a good governor and careful setting of the governor/buffer screw. But with some combos of big prop and certain gears (that shift quick), if set too low will stall. I set them so at hot idle I can go from fwd straight to rev and if it stalls, set it up a bit higher. In a maneuver, when operator needs to go straight from fwd to rev it usually is a situation where you don't want a stall!!
Old Allison hydraulic gears were great on not stalling. Nice slow clutch engagement gave the engine a chance to recover. But one complain about that, too.