Dismal v AICW

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Completed going through the ICW way on the 21th. Totally uneventful trip. The lock is every 2 hours but that wasn’t an issue. Pleasant tie up to port (going north) just before the lock if you’re early. In the lock went on the rubber side along with 2 large sportfish. There were 3 sailboats on the bare concrete side. Not crowded at all.

Did learn something interesting. The lock is there not mostly to raise or lower boats. But rather to prevent the contamination of the inland waterways from salt water to a significant degree and change the ecology of that region. Also the army corp is trying to transfer ownership and maintenance of the locking system to local government. Worker at the lock told me that’s in process throughout the eastern seaboard including the ICW.

Going through Norfolk was interesting. They were playing the star spangled banner as we passed by. Did almost all of leg between Albemare Sound and Norfolk well above hull speed (except no wake zones) to make a haul out date at Deltaville Boatyard. Now at the dirt dwelling catching up with family and chores. Want a one month or so break from the boat and it’s the best time of year here in MA.

Think if there’s any concern about time the AICW maybe the way to go
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