Getting the most out of marina mechs.
Precisely - I have learned how to do most, but not all yet,repairs on our boat (from books and by asking others)- and frankly I think that when I DO need to call on the marina guys for advice, or to fix something I can't get to (serious back issues stop me from getting to the stuffing box for example) they do a very good job for $60.00.hour).
I have found that being able to discuss the issue in a little depth adds to mutual respect, and even gets a "look in to see how its going".
I have also found that the odd case of Coors Light or pack of Camels helps almost as much as a new can of WD40.
You have experienced the joy of boat ownership that at some point all of has had.. or will face at some point.
This is exactly why in the early 80's when I moved up to big boats I started learning how to fix EVERYTHING on the boats we have had. Not to mention when something fails in a remote location you have the knowledge base learned from other similar projects.. Make sure you have manuals for all mechanical stuff aboard and a copy of Nigel Calders book, mine is well worn!
My mantra is I might be unhappy with how long a repair takes .. and be less than pleased with the fix.. but I never am pissed off what the labor costs .
Precisely - I have learned how to do most, but not all yet,repairs on our boat (from books and by asking others)- and frankly I think that when I DO need to call on the marina guys for advice, or to fix something I can't get to (serious back issues stop me from getting to the stuffing box for example) they do a very good job for $60.00.hour).
I have found that being able to discuss the issue in a little depth adds to mutual respect, and even gets a "look in to see how its going".
I have also found that the odd case of Coors Light or pack of Camels helps almost as much as a new can of WD40.