Do you recognize this "SOL" light?

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Sep 26, 2020
Vessel Name
Casa del Agua
Vessel Make
Californian 38 Sedan
Hello everyone,

I recently acquired a 1983 Californian 38 Sedan. On the lower helm dash, next to each ignition key is a red light labelled "SOL". Neither light has come on so perhaps its an alarm light of some sort. Probably not low oil pressure as the horns come on with the ignition. It appears to be engine/trans related. I just can't seem to figure it out short of tracing the wires or checking to see if the bulbs are burned out. Any thoughts on what SOL means?
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Rather than sh outa luck, which jumped off the page and into my evil brain, let's assume it means solenoid as in maybe fuel solenoid or starter solenoid if your starters are equipped with something like booster/auxiliary solenoids feeding the actual started solenoids.
Battery bank interconnect solenoid would be my guess. Have an assistant hit it, follow the clicking sound 'till you find it then follow the wires.
Great ideas! Thanks for the prompt replies. "SOL" seems likely to refer to a solannoid. Admittedly, I start seeing double at the thought of booster and battery interconnect solanoids. If that's the case, I have alot more to learn. UGH!
I enjoy crawling around other folks' boat, and variety of arrangement and equipment never ceases to amaze me. There is no such thing as two identical boats, even same model/brand!
Probably been disconnected when replacing starters; Likely is connected to the starter motor side of the solenoid and warns if the starter fails to disengage, which can happen when they get rusty inside, and if it stays stuck for long it will let the smoke out of the wires.
I have an 83 Californian 42 LRC with twin CAT 3208 NAs. The engines are energize to run. Power is required to pull the fuel solenoid open. I think the SOL lights are indicators to show the solenoid is working. My lights do not work either.

If you are unsure whether on not yours are energize to run there are two ways to tell. 1 Do your mains shut down when you turn the key off similar to a car or truck? 2 To confirm find the solenoid, have someone turn the key to the run position do not crank the engine. You will hear / feel the solenoid work.
On the 3208 you can recognize the energize-to-stop solenoid by the rubber cap on top, the plunger protrudes underneath and you can push it to stop the engine. You can interchange the two types. Bet 10 to 1 it's starter motor.
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Red lights next to ignition keys for years meant the alternator wasn't producing energy if the key was on.
Thanks all. In my world, no lights on, especially red ones, is a good thing. I will start with making sure the bulbs are good then attempt to trace the wires.
and if it stays stuck for long it will let the smoke out of the wires.

Haha :D i’ve had the magic smoke escape heater coil and a solenoid. Dang things don’t work after that.

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