Dorian aims for East Coast of Florida

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Oh good grief. If this thing doesn’t shift north a bit I’m screwed.

Should I contact the insurance company now?
I always wondered if we loaded a neighborhood full of mobile homes onto a container ship and sent it out to sea would the hurricane follow it?

Nope, that's tornados.
Oh good grief. If this thing doesn’t shift north a bit I’m screwed.

Should I contact the insurance company now?

To tell them what?

I know right now you have reason to worry that your boat might be in the target area. However, hurricane may go north of there or the marina might just handle it very well.

Are you safe? If so, then just accept that you've done what you can and have to just be ready to take action after the hurricane passes.
This thread is beginning to sound like the local TV news stations. Doom, gloom and you are all gonna die. LOL

45 dead here from Michael last year where population is lot less dense than the Gold Coast of FL. So yeah, somebody(s) will die. We Michael survivors are intensely watching this. Mikey went from 3 to 4 to 5 about as fast as this one grows, but luckily this one is way farther off giving people more time. I already got my house emergency generator's fuel this AM.
I drove into FtLauderdale to my favorite gas station. No 87, no second grade and no hi-test. Found another station.... no 87, found a 3rd, no 87 but they did have hi-test. I bought about 5 gallons. SMILE

I do hope the hurricane stays north of 21 N lat. I have a house mouse and she so far has a refused to consider a shelter or going to her friends house. She wants to remain with me. Isn't that sweet? SIGH
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To tell them what?

I know right now you have reason to worry that your boat might be in the target area. However, hurricane may go north of there or the marina might just handle it very well.

Are you safe? If so, then just accept that you've done what you can and have to just be ready to take action after the hurricane passes.

Yes we are safe. I guess I’ll just make plans to fly back and check on things if we take a hit.
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I drove into FtLauderdale to my favorite gas station. No 87, no second grade and no hi-test. Found another station.... no 87, found a 3rd, no 87 but they did have hi-test. I bought about 5 gallons. SMILE

I do hope the hurricane stays north of 20 lat. I have a house mouse and she so far has a refused to consider a shelter or going to her friends house. She wants to remain with me. Isn't that sweet? SIGH

That's saying you hope it stays north of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?

City: Guantanamo‎: ‎Country: Cuba
Latitude: 19.9073‎: ‎Longitude: -75.2078
One of my major rules in life, honed over the past 20 years, is to never "ride out" a hurricane, be it on land or on water. I've never regretted adhering to that rule.
That's saying you hope it stays north of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba?

City: Guantanamo‎: ‎Country: Cuba
Latitude: 19.9073‎: ‎Longitude: -75.2078

OOPS, that should have been 25 N Lat.
Must have been a typo.
If it does hit Getmo maybe it will swing into the Gulf. Then all those people who fled to the west coast of FL will head back east and plug up the interstate again. SMILE
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Starting at age 6 on a troopship headed to Italy from NYC, I have ridden out so many hurricanes and typhoons at sea and ashore I have lost count, probably dozens. Never road one out on a boat, though, and I have no plans to do so. If you must see what's going on aboard your boat, leave your GoPro behind.
Starting at age 6 on a troopship headed to Italy from NYC, I have ridden out so many hurricanes and typhoons at sea and ashore I have lost count, probably dozens. Never road one out on a boat, though, and I have no plans to do so. If you must see what's going on aboard your boat, leave your GoPro behind.

Dang, what were you doing at aged 6, serving them pasta? :D
My father was a naval officer serving aboard a ship stationed in Naples. We moved from San Francisco in 1953, and we (just Mom, me and two sisters, one in diapers) traveled by train to NYC thence by USS General Hodges, a Navy troopship full of dependents to meet Dad who luckily happened to be in port that day. Not a good year for hurricane predictions. I remember a Marine guarding the weather deck door during the storm when I went off exploring.
You shoulda seen my buddy and me 18 months latter as we returned to CONUS aboard the liner SS Constitution. We wandered all over the place and would wind up sitting on the gunnel of a lifeboat quizzing the dickens out of a sailor doing routine maintenance on the boat's contents. We never got as far as the bridge or the engine rooms, maybe because I came down with chicken pox, and my mother was deathly afraid we were going to end up in quarantine. I was just recovering as we passed by Lady Liberty, and Mom made me with my death pallor walk on the far side of her from the customs officials. Oh, and this time, still without Dad along, she had my new third sibling, Jim Gano in diapers to deal with. She was a trooper!
Latest from local weax guy is "Dorian is very unlikely to enter the Gulf." That is still a long way out, and for us north Gulf coast residents hopefully holds true. But as always. somebody else's OX gets gored. Folks on the Gulf farther down the peninsula should be very aware. We heard of a mass exodus beginning to the west. I-10 to our area and farther west will be no place to be.


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I genuinely wish you, and all the TF folks, the best getting through this storm.

Thanks dhays, it’s not looking good. I’m prepared to lose Southerly then have a total meltdown. My house may not fair well either.
I always wondered if we loaded a neighborhood full of mobile homes onto a container ship and sent it out to sea would the hurricane follow it?

Just started following this thread and read this, it’s brilliant! There are hundreds of old FEMA trailers just rotting in fields. We could use them.
Maybe saved by jet Stream??

I saw a accuweather report that said the "Jet Stream" may bulge down to North Florida by Sunday pushing the nasty feared DORIAN to the east and north. so there is hope. "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!"
I saw a accuweather report that said the "Jet Stream" may bulge down to North Florida by Sunday pushing the nasty feared DORIAN to the east and north. so there is hope. "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!"

Hope that it stays at sea?

Or just hit a different set of people?
A little reminder of Matthew - and it never actually came ashore! This is of the lagoon, lock and a block or two around our house.

I saw a accuweather report that said the "Jet Stream" may bulge down to North Florida by Sunday pushing the nasty feared DORIAN to the east and north. so there is hope. "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!"

Hey. no thanks!

Actually what you don't see on these NOAA charts is the front that is pushing Dorian East to West. We get to see it on the local forecasts here. It's a pretty broad and flat front. They don't see that front moving off north until Wednesday, hence the models showing a northwards move well after it hits land.

I found this, kinda shows what I mean.


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Hey. no thanks!

Actually what you don't see on these NOAA charts is the front that is pushing Dorian East to West. We get to see it on the local forecasts here. It's a pretty broad and flat front. They don't see that front moving off north until Wednesday, hence the models showing a northwards move well after it hits land.

I found this, kinda shows what I mean.
I will bet you a front and raise you a jet stream! lol
Wish it away!

lets collectively wish it away to SC! wish wish wish wish wish
I am sure those that live and boat there hope you enjoy even more heat in your next life
lets collectively wish it away to SC! wish wish wish wish wish

That may be worse than Florida, even though we have heavier populated areas down here. As we have been expecting it and planning for it for days (if not a week). If it suddenly shifts to the Carolinas, outer banks etc. as a surprise, that would not be good.

A bounce back out to the Atlantic, great.
lets collectively wish it away to SC! wish wish wish wish wish

I can't believe you wish it on anyone. We have family, employees and friends in SC and many people there have still not recovered from Florence.
I can't believe you wish it on anyone. We have family, employees and friends in SC and many people there have still not recovered from Florence.
I used to wish I had a billion dollars--so my wish power isnt too good so your friends are safe
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