drain clogs

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Gaylord Ballard

Veteran Member
May 14, 2019
Hello all,
I have a 1977 Mainship and it has a rear cockpit. In the cockpit it has two rear drains 3 inch and at the front of the cockpit are two drains that handle the water coming down the gunwales. The drains lead below the deck and into a manifold. At the bottom of the manifold is a drain pipe that leads to a thru hull fitting in the stern just above the water line. Here's the problem: over the years this manifold has accumulated debris and has stopped up the drain. Of course you can't see into the manifold. I have tried to snake it out but that is not adequate. It appears that I will have to figure out a way to cut a hole in the side of it large enough to get my hand or tools or wet vac in there and then close it back up with water tight fitting. Has anybody encountered a problem like this?
Have you tried water pressure? Also how about common enzyme type septic cleaners?

Hi Pete,
I have tried the drain openers, and snake. I can, but haven't, tried the water pressure because I'm afraid that I could blow apart the fittings and the boat is in the water. Interesting idea about the septic tank stuff. If it would eat the debris and liquify it so it would drain out that would be the easiest way but I have never used it before.
I am guessing it is more like "grit" than biological, so enzymes will not help.
If high pressure water does not work then I think you are into manual retrieval.
Can the existing manifold be easily cut out and replaced? Something made of PVC with a trap that can be drained and/or removed to clean out - if it can be attached to what's there already - might be preferable to the pain of clearing what's there.

I managed to clear ours up by repeatedly pouring a combination of salt, and HOT water down the drain. For many cycles the drain wouldn't clear so I needed to suck the water out with a pump, but after about 10 cycles it finally cleared.
Can the existing manifold be easily cut out and replaced? Something made of PVC with a trap that can be drained and/or removed to clean out - if it can be attached to what's there already - might be preferable to the pain of clearing what's there.

can't cut it out. it's too big but that is an idea. thanks
If you are up for flushing or using high pressure water I have found it is almost always better to push up from the exit to loosen blockages, than to push down from the drain entrance. I had the same problem as you with 10' long drains from my upper deck. They exited just above the water line and nothing I tried from above would shift the blockage. However working from the bottom allowed me to "peel away" the blockage piecemeal as it progressively fell out the bottom. Good luck ~Alan
There are Small Rotary Spray heads made for pressure washers that are designed for this exact purpose. I have one and use it to unclog perimeter drain pipes on houses. It will easily fir in a 1” pipe if it’s straight I’m sure it would help with your headache, as Alan had earlier suggested he’s absolutely correct at his approach, you just peel away at it. You could rent a pressure washer and sometimes they have these. Also, some plumbing companies have this type of accessory. Or you could look online for one. They fit on a very small pressure washer hose and spin like crazy. I mean around 10k rpm which is why they are effective. Gas powered washers work the best because you can control the pressure by the throttle.
Best of luck.

Dave B.
If these are scupper drains the design sounds bad to me. I would take a close look at how you could improve the system, keep the water out of the boat but make the system maintenance free. Through hulls above the waterline are reasonable.
I have now drilled a 2" hole into the top of the manifold and as I suspected it is full of junk. Will know spend some time augering, pressuring and vacuuming the gunk out of it. Jus a bad design but the new hole will make it easy to clean. Thanks everyone.
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