Efoy Fuel Cell

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Veteran Member
Jun 18, 2020
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Monk 36
Has anyone refilled an Efoy M10 methanol fuel cartridge?
Has anyone refilled an Efoy M10 methanol fuel cartridge?

I have mentioned the Efoy fuel cell, I hear an echo and no response.
I wish your luck is better than mine
The only information I have found is on their site and YouTube.
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I think you just buy a new jug… I have an Efoy in the manual it states only use there methanol, more than likely because they sell it however it also says it will void the warranty if you use another source
I am wondering how to tie it into the ship’s systems.
Charge the boat batteries with the fuel cell. That seems to be the easiest way.
Is the fuel cell running full out or will the output depend demand?
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I am wondering how to tie it into the ship’s systems.
Charge the boat batteries with the fuel cell. That seems to be the easiest way.
Yes, it's for charging batteries, not direct power like a generator. The efoy caught my interest when it first came out. As I understand it it's best purpose is to augment other charging systems on the boat. The efoy and it's fuel are expensive. Panbo in this article form 2018 estimates $10 per 100ah. Testing the Efoy Comfort fuel cell, and the value of premium amp hours Seems to me the best use is to first have primary power generation, alternators or onboard generator, then solar, then efoy to fill in the low spots.
PB, I gave serious consideration for a fuel cell until I realized I have run out of room for any more upgrades. LOL. There really is a limit on how much “perfume” one can put on a 34ft “pig”. Even though I was able to add a few cabinets to my AT434, they quickly filled up with more important/necessary ‘creature comfort’ things. So long as the generator runs and engine alternator works and the 2x130 solar panels ‘add’ to the batteries, I am happy. I doubt if all 3 ways to recharge the batteries will crap out at the same time. (Hope hope hope)
PB, I gave serious consideration for a fuel cell until I realized I have run out of room for any more upgrades. LOL. There really is a limit on how much “perfume” one can put on a 34ft “pig”. Even though I was able to add a few cabinets to my AT434, they quickly filled up with more important/necessary ‘creature comfort’ things. So long as the generator runs and engine alternator works and the 2x130 solar panels ‘add’ to the batteries, I am happy. I doubt if all 3 ways to recharge the batteries will crap out at the same time. (Hope hope hope)
I'm in the same boat. No space for it. No real need for it. Don't want the expense.

Here's Nigel Calder's take on fuel cells for boats. https://youtu.be/jXV54OmL5tg
Well I read the link you sent, I will probably just buy the Efoy methanol, but I’m sure I’ll be paying more than I should. Probably just a label.
Well I read the link you sent, I will probably just buy the Efoy methanol, but I’m sure I’ll be paying more than I should. Probably just a label.
Before you do, see if there is a chemical supply outfit
in your area that sells reagent-grade methanol.
Yah I will for sure
I have one and love it, perfect for my needs. I only buy the Efoy brand methanol, don’t want to mess up a good thing.
EFOY Fuel Cell

We removed our old Onan generator several years ago and replaced it with the EFOY. By installing all LED lighting and careful power management it worked okay. A high output alternator helped also.
At that time there was nowhere in my area (Gig Harbor, WA) to buy the fuel. I had a couple of bottles shipped but that was expensive so against the advice of Efoy engineers I refilled my bottles. If you do this get the purest methanol you can find. The seal you make on the bottle is crucial. I made about a 1” hole with the cleanest edges I could manage and plugged with an expansion plug. Don’t know if that’s the proper name but it’s one of those plugs that expands as you turn a screw. This worked perfectly for a few years but when Fisheries started selling fuel a bought a couple there. I wasn’t using much at that point since I had installed 4 solar panels.
I started looking at fuel cells with the Watt Fuel Cell.

That was supposed to run on propane which i hope to have in a galley update with a new stove.

I don't think the Watt made it to public use and i am interested in the Fuel Cell.

Could those who have 1 please respond to me what use you are putting yours to and how happy you are with it.

We don't have a generator onboard, and I was looking at the Fuel Cell as a backup to solar panels on cloudy days.

Can your Fuel Cell be setup with an auto-start sensed from your battery level to start generating automatically?

Thanks for any input. I'm excited to hear your experiences.
The previous post from WStults sounds very similar to your proposed application. He knows the most about that one because he installed it, I now own that Boat, and can tell you from my understanding that yes it is set up with a panel and stays on a standby mode until your battery drops below a certain point and automatically turns on and off, went up to proper charge. This boat has four solar panels back up Efoy and hi output alternator, no generator. The system works very well with no apparent need for a motorized generator!

As I noted in my last post, we removed our generator a number of years ago and installed an EFOY. Yes we were happy with it but it did require good power management to make sure the batteries were healthy enough to keep our refer and one of two freezers going. And yes it does start automatically at a point that the user sets. My opinion of having only the EFOY and a high output alternator is that it’s not for everyone. Our goal was to be able to stay at anchor for extended periods and the EFOY alone was good for 2 to 3 day.
A few years ago we installed 4 solar panels. We could then stay at anchor pretty much indefinitely. The EFOY would only kick in if we had a couple of days of heavy closed cover. With the solar panels we could run both freezers. Most summer days the batteries were 100% by noon.
BTW, I just watched the Nigel Calder video and while I don't doubt Nigel and his position, the video was taken in the Obama administration, as said by Nigel, and therefore today, I don't believe, is as applicable.

BIG boats are going to methanol as fuel and IF methanol was as expensive as mentioned by Nigel, they wouldn't be doing that.

As a backup to other electrical generating sources, solar, wind, the Fuel Cell might be a good choice, today.

I would though stay away from self-filled tanks. IS your boat worth the cost of a company filled tank opposed to some minor savings of a self-filled tank. Also, keep in mind it may not be just your boat that blows up & catches fire, it could be others around you plus the 1st responders who show up to help.

I appreciate your reminder to be cautious but it sounds to me like you are saying that I have been irresponsible and putting others in danger. First of all you have no idea how well sealed my modified cartridges were. And second, I did it out of necessity not to save a couple of bucks. when I installed my EFOY years ago I had to have cartridges shipped from the East Coast and since normal shipping was not possible shipping was very slow. Once fisheries started selling cartridges I bought them there
Just a reminder to all, not just you, who read the forum and maybe not think of the consequences, especially in respect to others who come to our aid.

Glad you were conscious of those circumstances.
What solar panel wattage would yield the same daily output? As I recall the Efoy is something like 100W? At that, around 400W of panels would yield the same daily power, subject to weather of course. I just wonder if running an engine isn’t a better way to fill any gaps. You already have the hardware and the fuel….
I believe the ones on my boat are 200w each there are 4. Bill installed them, they work is all I know! I guess the thought just run an engine, I guess you better really watch the batteries, what if you wake up and the Batteries are too low to start the Engine? You would probably be thinking it would be nice to have an alternative charging source

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