Flag Question

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Aug 9, 2013
Vessel Name
Lucky Lucky
Vessel Make
Pacific Mariner 65
With the passing of the Queen, it got me to wondering how do you fly a flag at half staff on a boat? Off the stern seems impossible. Thoughts? Thanks.
Interesting question. IMO, the flag on your stern serves a different purpose, more as an identifier of country. I would guess a second flag at half height on a mast halyard would be more appropriate.

Lowering it half way shows the respect....even if only an inch or two.
I added a third eye to my flagstaff and would reposition the flag when I needed to.
Folks have been dipping flags for centuries. Problem is most staffs have two attachment points and no halyard when used off the stern in boats (not ships). Believe etiquette for non military is to use the home country flag that’s used for documentation in its correct position. Would think the same for ”half mast” when done out of respect.
Though not found in the US flag Code, adding a black ribbon tied as a ribbon at the top of the flag or as flown as a streamer attached above the stars. This is usually done for short staffed flags that cannot be flown at half mast.
Though not found in the US flag Code, adding a black ribbon tied as a ribbon at the top of the flag or as flown as a streamer attached above the stars. This is usually done for short staffed flags that cannot be flown at half mast.

Interesting approach. Hope we never need it.
I like a large flag at the stern which fills the available space. I would suggest a smaller flag to be used if you have a large-flag situation like I do.
On my boat I have the large Canadian flag on the stern rail. It has no lower position, so I leavie it alone. I have a smaller Canadian flag that I use on the dinghy on Canada Day. I can fly it from the Starboard spreader, on a halyard that allows a half mast position.
At home I have a flag pole and as I am there now, that flag is at half mast.
I am no monarchist, but fly the flag at half mast out of respect for the Queen, who brought dignity, calm and wisdom to her position, even though no power over her subjects here in Canada. Long live the King.

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