Flag Size

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Jan 22, 2014
Ok, no other flag or other issues. Just a three part question. What is the boat length and what size National flag do you fly and what size courtesy flag do you fly.

Boat length=
National Flag=
Courtesy Flag=

And it's about what you actually fly, not what someone says you should.
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What do you mean by courtesy flag?
Boat length = 57 feet oal (53' 11" registered, documented?)
National flag = 54 inches
courtesy flag = none

It's either 24" x 36" or 30" x 48". Can't remember.
Standard size you find at most marine stores.
Flag size should be 1" in length for every 1' of boat length. I think I remember reading this in Chapan's

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Capt. Don
Whatever, my US flag is perfectly sized.

Three feet versus 36 feet.
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Nothing looks more ridiculous than a too small American flag on a boat! 1" for every foot of length is correct.

Not sure about the courtesy flag size but we often see vessels flying a "courtesy" flag when not needed, i.e. a US flagged boat sailing in RI with a German courtesy flag flying all summer...nothing says "Twinkie" quite as effectively in my ever so humble opinion...
The properly flown courtesy flag is your signal to the country you are visiting ,

1. You are not at WAR with them

2. You have cleared customs and immigration .

Before clearing into the country the Yellow Q ( quarantine ) flag is required.
Our boat is 38
We try to stay close to the suggested 1" of fly for every 1' of boat so we our US flag measures 36" on the fly.
No courtesy flag as we are in US waters.
Nothing looks more ridiculous than a too small American flag on a boat! 1" for every foot of length is correct.

Not sure about the courtesy flag size but we often see vessels flying a "courtesy" flag when not needed, i.e. a US flagged boat sailing in RI with a German courtesy flag flying all summer...nothing says "Twinkie" quite as effectively in my ever so humble opinion...

Wifey B: 1" works up to a certain size. Doesn't work for 80' and really doesn't for say 120'. It would be more like a sail at 10' long. :)

Actually the German flag you're referring to may be a foreign guest flag.

Foreign Guest Flags
When a foreign guest is aboard, you may display the ensign of the guest's country from the bow staff or outboard port spreader. Should more than one such guest flag be appropriate, wear them on spreader halyards from port to starboard in the alphabetical order of their countries' names in the English language.

Makes no sense to me and just confuses things. We don't do it. Don't personally know anyone who does. I'm just picturing someone now with flags for seven or eight countries flying. :rofl:

But back to what people here are really flying.
ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1465743242.539297.jpg

Will fly the Courtesy Flag from the bow now that we have no mast spreaders.
According to Chapmans, the "fly" (length) should be 1" for every foot of boat length. Size DOWN, not up, if your boat is longer than than available flag sizes....Iow, a 39' boat would fly a 36" flag, not a 42".
According to Chapmans, the "fly" (length) should be 1" for every foot of boat length. Size DOWN, not up, if your boat is longer than than available flag sizes....Iow, a 39' boat would fly a 36" flag, not a 42".

Wifey B: I know what Chapman's says but it's not realistic for larger boats, in my opinion. That's why I asked what people are actually doing.

Where are people buying their flags would be my other question?
Current boat:

I like to buy them locally when I see them to support the country's economy. I also like to buy them a little bigger than the standard ones available in say west marine.

Spell check via iPhone.
Ok, no other flag or other issues. Just a three part question. What is the boat length and what size National flag do you fly and what size courtesy flag do you fly.

Boat length=
National Flag=
Courtesy Flag=

And it's about what you actually fly, not what someone says you should.

43' boat length.
National flag is 3'x5'
No courtesy fall atm

Pretty hard to keep a thread from drifting isn't it.
Where are people buying their flags would be my other question?

Have you tried googling "US flags?" I turned up a bunch of sources that offer good quality embroidered flags made in America for reasonable prices. I didn't check for largest sizes available. Try Amazon first.
I have to admit...

I've been the one writing recently about flag protocol and practices that have been established over the years for recreational boats in our newsletter. There are no rules for recreational boats other than courtesy flag rules imposed by some countries (under penalty of fine or even arrest). For example, it's officially considered an act of war to fly the Cuban courtesy flag upside down. Check out the flag and realize how easy it is to fly upside down - the star should be pointing up.

The accepted practice in the US for your ensign is 1" of flag length per 1' of boat length (rounded up to an available flag size).

That said, we're picking up our new-to-us boat in another week. She's 65' and the length of the flag I'm bringing is 96". I want a big friggin flag on the boat as we cross New York harbor and I don't care about the "rules"...
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I have "downsized" my flag. The boat is 60' long but a 3'x5' flag would be impractical to fly from the transom. We use a flag that's 36" long.

No courtesy flag....yet.
I have to admit...

I've been the one writing recently about flag protocol and practices that have been established over the years for recreational boats in our newsletter. There are no rules for recreational boats other than courtesy flag rules imposed by some countries (under penalty of fine or even arrest). For example, it's officially considered an act of war to fly the Cuban courtesy flag upside down. Check out the flag and realize how easy it is to fly upside down - the star should be pointing up.

The accepted practice in the US for your ensign is 1" of flag length per 1' of boat length (rounded up to an available flag size).

That said, we're picking up our new-to-us boat in another week. She's 65' and the length of the flag I'm bringing is 96". I want a big friggin flag on the boat as we cross New York harbor and I don't care about the "rules"...

Big flags are awesome! I applaud your flag size decision!
I said it before and I will say it again, small ensigns on yachts are silly looking. To my eye, the size of the boat does not make any difference...
If in doubt, go big!
I guess everyone here knows how I feel about this now.
43' boat length.
National flag is 3'x5'
No courtesy fall atm

Pretty hard to keep a thread from drifting isn't it.

Wifey B: I'm as bad about it as anyone...so can't complain. :) Well, could....but lot's of things I could complain about and choose not to. Life's too short. ;)
Where are people buying their flags would be my other question?

Have you tried googling "US flags?" I turned up a bunch of sources that offer good quality embroidered flags made in America for reasonable prices. I didn't check for largest sizes available. Try Amazon first.

Wifey B: We have our flags. Just curious where others were getting theirs, if there might be better sources.
If in doubt, go big!
I guess everyone here knows how I feel about this now.

Wifey B: You're officially part of the "bigger is better" brigade. :D

Now, seriously for a moment. I love seeing now the responses of Jeffrey with his 96" Flag. Wonder what size staff he has?

And I'm fine with GFC's smaller flag.

Actually, I'm fine with anything anyone flies and if it fits in or doesn't fit in some convention, then fine. Think I just figured out what I dislike about "convention." It contains the word "convent" and I can't imagine living in a convent.....:eek:
Boat 44 ft
Cdn Flag 2.5ft x 4ft
US Courtesy Flag 12in. X 18in(approx.)
That said, we're picking up our new-to-us boat in another week. She's 65' and the length of the flag I'm bringing is 96". I want a big friggin flag on the boat as we cross New York harbor and I don't care about the "rules"...

Wifey B: Guessing it's 5' x 8', are you going to have a 10' staff? :) By then I think we should call it a pole.

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