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I should know better. You should keep an eye on the weather like you would you temp gauge. If I had known earlier today about tomorrow I would have gotten my fish to go and got another 40 miles in. Oh well As they say ill have to play it by ear.
Sorry for delay in reply. I'm in B'ham with grandsons and don't have my books and charts. Those anchorages should work in a pinch. Also, we pushed too hard one day and had to anchor near bank in main river. Just pick a straight stretch and go shallow to avoid barge traffic. With your AIS no problem. These summer fronts are mainly popup thunderstorms, so even if you get caught in one, should be quick. Just one lock immediately prior to Demopolis marina. Just hope Zeus not reading your lighting rod posts !
Sorry for delay in reply. I'm in B'ham with grandsons and don't have my books and charts. Those anchorages should work in a pinch. Also, we pushed too hard one day and had to anchor near bank in main river. Just pick a straight stretch and go shallow to avoid barge traffic. With your AIS no problem. These summer fronts are mainly popup thunderstorms, so even if you get caught in one, should be quick. Just one lock immediately prior to Demopolis marina. Just hope Zeus not reading your lighting rod posts !

Yea right
Pretty much a repeat of yesterday. The banks are a little higher. I missed the first storm it passed threw demopolis before I got there. There's another one coming in but it doesn't look as bad. I'm at the 190 marker.


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I caught up with this trawler he left about an hour ahead of me. He's doing about 7 kts. Freedom is the name of the trawler


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Willaway from NC. Sure is yar. He's going up ta git the gates opened up 10 more miles.


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I usually fly a 3' x 5' on my port antenna post. Go big or go home.
Looks like you are about to make it. Good time.
I wonder if the Somali pirates fly A jolly roger.
What did you do with your antenna?

On the side of the fly bridge I have mounted the 13' extensions and the VHF sits on top of that. I think they are 1 1/2" round and sturdy. I attach the flag to that. I have an upper and lower mount on the sides so it keeps it tight and strong.
Hold on, you're about to get stormed on...if not already.
How far to go? That debris looks a bit troublesome. I think I'd rather hit a lobster pot then a log:eek:
How far to go? That debris looks a bit troublesome. I think I'd rather hit a lobster pot then a log:eek:

I'm in Chattanooga, the debris is down river where Dave is I guess. Clean water up here.
I made in before all the storms. Wow we're they intense I got to met the owners of that 70 Hat Willaway. I can't remember the owners name but he wasn't an admiral just a developer from NC. The captains name was Larry. Could you imagine hooking up with someone who needed a captain to pilot and maintain their vessel.


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Left Demopolis about 7am. Same ole scenery. No logs but ya do have ta keep an eye out No where near as bad as pots. Most of the time the debrie is in the same area cause it will come threw the locks Unless there's a hard rain or your passing threw an area that is moving bardges that has stuff caught between you won't see much. And the rivers are pretty smooth. You develop an eye for the logs. I've heard of people hitting large debrie in the ocean that's either falling or thrown off the ships. Or left overs from Jersey :).


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Nobody nowhere


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Might be thinking about where you want to be Wed to Sun. River will be very busy due to holiday and I know our marina(Florence) full several nights due to local festival and fireworks show. Just a thought.
We re off to another day of river cruising. We had bubba do a drive by with his pontoon boat. These guys came up from behind and came close enough to touch the boat at about 20 mph. I didn't see um til it was to late. But I had my orange flare gun ready in case he tried to attack me with his deadly pontoon boat.
I just crossed the Mississippi line. Their all set up for emergencies here.


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