Ft Pierce meal count. PLEASE

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Aug 29, 2016
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Grand Banks. Heritage. 54
Many of you know this forum is having a gathering (the fourth year) Feb 21-24 at Ft. Pierce City Marina (some may add a few days on either side) but Saturday (2/23) Watfa is planning one of her meals for all to attend including booze for the price of FREE plus there will be a bunch of stuff to be given away.

Here is the rub, she needs to know who will be there so she can plan the menu so if you would reply to this topic by adding your name and how many you will have it will help her greatly and make my life less miserable.

Some of you have already told us your coming but do it again please.

Thanks Hope to see you there (RT this means you). :banghead: :)
I'm coming. Just me and my boat.
Thanks guys. Maybe we can make RT master of ceremonies.

Ted, no cook this year?
Of course, certain people are necessary to show up.

My wife Joan and I will be there.

David Marchand
Mr. B. Re: Post #5... "...RT master of ceremonies." I respectfully decline.


I'm much nicer in print than in person plus, I seldom go out of my mom's basement...
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Mr. B. Re: Post #5... "...RT master of ceremonies." I respectfully decline.
I'm much nicer in print than in person plus, I seldom go out of my mom's basement...
My guess is that Mr. RT fears that he might not be the only enigma at the gathering. If you have a gathering of enigmas, are they no longer enigmatic as they share the same classification? Maybe I should have another cup of coffee before pondering such philosophical things on a Sunday morning.

Ted. Is RT really an enigma or perhaps a conundrum. I would sure like to know if mom will give him a pass. That would be fun.

Larry you and Lena have to show up because Watfa has been storing your pillows and dock water filter for a year.

Thanks guys and gals.
I and my wife Priscilla will be there. Is there anything that we can bring?
I mean besides the Flor de Cana. Mixers? Sides? Desserts?
Thanks, John and Priscilla
Me and quite likely my imaginary girlfriend. She doesn’t eat much though.
I hope she eats imaginary food.

Forum Fest Ft. Pierce

We're here in FPCM for the month. Would love to attend.
Pat & Joe Apicella
Glory Days
Slip E122
Mr. m. Conundrum? Perhaps a curmudgeon...


"You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there." - RT Firefly on Navigation
Hi Joe

Great, happy to have you both.
"You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there." - RT Firefly on Navigation

I definitely remember learning that at school.

Newbie here who is now the proud owner, as of today, of Sweet Pea. My wife and I would like to come and meet some you folks. What a great group sharing your your experiences and knowledge, thank you.
Wendy and I will be there!!! We are giving up the first weekend of Mardi Gras AND the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Cookoff. Y'all better shower us with gifts!!!...hahaha!!!
Newbie here who is now the proud owner, as of today, of Sweet Pea. My wife and I would like to come and meet some you folks. What a great group sharing your your experiences and knowledge, thank you.

Welcome aboard and look forward to meeting you!!! I like you already because you are willing to slum it with us!!!...;)
Nimble N

Do you really call your wife Seeet Pea? Kidding

Welcome, congrats on the boat and we look forward to seeing all three of you.

Baker, you and Wendy will have to drink your gifts. ;)
John and Priscilla Sage will be there, abiard La Vita Dolce,. Is there anything we can bring?
Lookin forward to meeting all in person. Thanks
John and all. Watfa says she will have the appetizers and main meal (including beer, wine and booze) under control but If any would like to bring deserts she would be forever grateful (we don’t need 24 people bringing deserts.

Getting hungry just thinking about Watfas" cooking. Sorry I'm not going to be able to attend this year. Everyone will enjoy themselves,first timers will be amazed at the camaraderie and fun. Lots of effort by all the hosts....like herding cats, says Don Moon.
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Thanks Jack but can Steve come? It won’t be the same without you but we can save the Bud or PBR for next year. Thanks Pal.
Marisa and I would love to attend. Unfortunately Phoenix will not be out of the yard by then. Will be coming by car as we live about and hour away.
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