Garmin chartplotter auto-guidance won't work with Simrad Pilot

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Kidding aside, you should be able to go to Standby, then GOTO the waypoint and the route should resume, though elapsed time/distance information may (or may not) be reset. But I've never run Garmin so can't say for sure.

On mine, if I stop navigating I lose the point I was going to. I can re-select it from a list if it was a saved waypoint, or place a new pointer on the desired location and initiate a new GoTo. Neither one is very convenient, especially when the weather gets lively. It requires some heads-down time which isn't really ideal when you're at the helm with no other lookouts.
I regularly use the auto route function but never use it until I go over the whole route and make sure all is clear. I have found that the router often finds a shorter route than I would normally take.
Two things for those that use Furuno nav pilots as an AP.

There is an advanced setting for the Nav control that has three options (names may not be correct but easy to recognize): 1. Go to waypoint 2. X-trac aggressive (or precision) 3. X-trac gentle.
1. Just keeps a straight line to waypoint. If you start drifting the course will change to keep aiming at waypoint. Fine in open water but can get so that but the time you get to waypoint you are almost going sideways to original course.
2. Stays on cross track with precision. If you get off track it will turn aggressively to get back on.
3. Somewhere between the two. Will sometimes stay a ways off the track but will usually be heading more towards track than waypoint.

The other point is that to reset the track you can click the waypoint you are heading to and just select Start Nav again and the cross track will reset. This may work for other charting apps.

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