Gauge faded LCD

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Veteran Member
Jul 19, 2021
Recently we noticed that our Yanmar multifunction gauge was getting hard to read. Looked like a large dark round spot started. Thought it was from the sun because the gauge was located on the flybridge.

3 weeks later the same gauge located on the lower helm started to get the same dark spot. These are expensive gauges to replace. $4,000/gauge is insane.

We opened the gauge to see if there was a way to possibly clean/replace the polarized lens. Unfortunately it did not look possible.

After researching many forums, we came across a company called “”. Decided to give them a try. After sending in a photo of the gauge I was quoted $125.00. Apparently there is no charger if they cannot repair the gauge.

The repaired gauge was shipped back within 7 business day’s. Looked brand new! We sent in the other gauge and had the same great results.

Apparently they repair chart-plotters… LCD displays, etc. too. Based in Florida.

Just wanted to let others know that there is an option to restore rather than replace.
Here are the photos that they sent to me before I paid.


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Seen their work before! :) There's very few gauges they can't seem to make look new again...
Great �� My Raymarine autopilot ST6001 display did exactly the same. Found an exact replacement LCD screen on EBay. With the supplied instructions the swap was relatively easy. Yes $4000/ gauge is insane! I like the old school dial gauges that can be replaced for $50 and an hour of time.
That is outstanding work. But why wouldn’t you just spend $4,000 instead???

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