GB36cl fuel tank replacement

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Aug 9, 2023
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Grand Banks 36 Classic
Hello, has anyone replaced the 200gal tanks or relined them? And how to remove/install? This is on a 1993 36 with twin screw.
Hi, I replaced both of mine on my 1978 GB36 Classic. American Tanks in Southern California came up, measured carefully, went home, then returned with 4 smaller aluminum tanks. They quickly cut up the old steel tanks, hauled out the pieces, cleaned thoroughly, then installed the new ones, with manifolds connecting the tanks on either side, and nifty sight gauges to boot (I had wooden sticks to measure fuel levels!) Cost: about $19K as I recall.
Thanks for response. That seems to be best route through my research. Gotta love these unexpected projects.
Hi, I replaced both of mine on my 1978 GB36 Classic. American Tanks in Southern California came up.... Cost: about $19K as I recall.
I was considering buying a GB36 in need of tank replacement and when I checked with American Tanks about 3 months ago the cost would be $35k with a 2-3 month lead time. That was to come to Florida and do it. They would send 2 guys and take a week.

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