Genuine Bruce?

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
While walking back down the dock today from taking the photos of the M/V Pelican (see the thread of this name in General Discussion) my wife said "Made in Brazil?"

She was referring to a large Bruce anchor on a boat on the dock. I looked and sure enough, that's what it said on one side of the anchor. The other side of the anchor said "Genuine Bruce."

The day after we brought our our new-to-us boat to Bellingham in 1998 we installed a brand new Bruce in place of the Danforth knock-off it had had in SFO Bay which is where we'd had the boat trucked from. Like every genuine Bruce I've looked at, ours was made in Belgium.

We replaced this anchor a few years later with a different type and sent the Bruce to the landfill, but around this time I'd read that Bruce had stopped making their line of small anchors and was concentrating only on their big oil-industry anchors, which are an entirely different design than their small boat anchor. As I recall, the rights to manufacture the Bruce anchor that recreational boaters use was sold to an Italian company, but I've never learned if they put the anchor into production.

So here's this "genuine Bruce" that was made in Brazil. I have no idea how old this particular anchor is, but I'm curious if anyone knows if the original Bruce design is back in production but in Brazil instead of Italy?

PS--- I just looked at some old photos I took of our Bruce when it was new. On one side of the shank it says "Made in Belgium." On the other side it says "Bruce Anchor" and under that the weight in kilograms followed by the patent number. No "Genuine" or "TM."


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Here is mine which I believe was original supply on my 2003 Monk 36.
I wanted a larger, self launching anchor so bought a 45lb Delta in 2009 shortly after buying her. It says "Patented" but doesn't mention Genuine


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Interesting. I wonder if the Italian company that acquired the rights to the Bruce sold them to a Brazillian company?
Belgium, England, and Brazil. Brazil being the last of the run.

Mine speaks Dutch, French, and German.
Hi Marin,
We had a 30 KG BRUCE on our prvious boat, and IIRC, it was made in Scotland? Unfortunately I only have a photo of it, showing the one side :banghead:

Notice the "R" registered trademark though, different from that NT's Bruce.

BTW, it was a great anchor, probably the best one I've used/owned to date. :ermm:

Sorry, I do not know if the recreational Bruce is now made it Italy or not, but I share your interest! :thumb:


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    30 kg Bruce anchor.jpg
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Interesting. I wonder if the Italian company that acquired the rights to the Bruce sold them to a Brazillian company?

Was that Osculati? They are in Italy and make what they call a "bruce Pattern" called the Trefoil. I have one...Dead ringer for a bruce, but as others have noted, the differences can be subtle. Dunno

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The Italian company became Brazilian not long after buying the Bruce patent.

They are located close to the Argentinian border far down south. They also manufacture aluminum masts, blocks and sailing hardware, zinc anodes, etc.
Mine says Genuine Bruce with a registration symbol and weight on one side, and Made in UK on the other side.
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