got a notice from canada coast guard today.

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magna 6882

Apr 20, 2020
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North Pacific/ NP-45 Hull 10
Last summer while transiting north to desolation sound i got a radio call from the Canada coast guard informing me that i was transiting through a wale protection zone. I was just following the coarse on the plotter along with a few other boats in front and behind me. I was the only one to get a call so likely i was the only one broadcasting AIS. The call was helpful and the fella gave me a heading to exit the area correctly. I looked online and found out the boundary they were talking about. The letter indicates possible fines up to 1m dollars and jail time. They indicated this would be in there files presumably to be used if i were to continue to violate any future rules.
My question is should i stop broadcasting the AIS while in canada? I was traveling with a couple friends and since they had been up there before so one was leading and i had one behind me .They both could see AIS but couldn't transmit.
The solution would seem to be dont transmit in canadian waters.
Your thoughts?
Were you alongside North Pender Island between June 1st - November 30, 2022? A map was issued showing the boundary areas and caveats for Southern BC waters.
AIS travels about but 30 or 40 miles unless you are broadcasting via satellite. I view myself as trying to be compliant with best practices and believe the Coastguard does as well. For my efforts, I was boarded twice this summer for inspections.

The point I'm making is that you weren't trying to hide anything and not masking your intention which might have got you too close too whales. Had you been observed doing it with your AIS turned off, it might appear that you didn't want to be seen doing something wrong. IMO, being seen on AIS is a valuable tool and broadcasting your position should imply you aren't intentionally doing anything wrong. Keep it on.

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If you are non compliant regarding Orca standoff areas in BC expect a notification. TF is not the venue for a US flagged vessel to suggest an intentional avoidance of federally issued regulations. Both shore and on vessel private watchers can and do advise “off course” vessels to Fisheries or Cosst Guard.
Wow. I had to actually stop and wonder if this was some kind of April Fool's post or something. It's shocking to think that the OP considers AIS to be the problem here...
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Knowing and observing whale protection zones is similar to knowing and obsereving fishing rules and regs. A bit of homework before you go is all that is needed. A quick search found this web site.

Compared to fishing rules and regs the whale protection zones, rules and regs are relatively new and boaters may not be aware. So it is easy to understand the first violation. CCG did issue OP a verbal warning and directed him out of the zone. The follow up letter is a warning of what could happen if he again viloates the zones.

Going forward for OP or any of us reading this should check the regs, avoid the zones, don't try to hide. This was a long answer to OP's question. Should he turn off his AIS in Canadian waters? Simply put no, don't turn AIS off to hide from CCG. There may be other valid reasons to turn off AIS in those areas but I can't think of any.
I just noticed Navionics has the 2 areas marked off on the current charts. I'll need to pay special attention next time we transit those areas.
I am a rule follower and was surprised to discover the whale protection zone and yes it was the section next to pender. I may have gotten a little more complacent by following another boat that made this trip every year and it was my first.I dont recall seeing anything on the garmin charts.
They've been there for a while; I recall deviating a bit west to avoid the Pender Island zone on my last visit in Summer 2019. I think I was informed by a poster on the customs shack at Bedwell Harbor.
I agree with the others, do not turn off broadcasting AIS, but do be aware of the regulations. These ones and this area is "relatively new" (a few years now, 4 or 5), but the info is available. Use the letter as a "warning", and be more aware and/or careful in the future. :)
I do understand how an area "newbie" might not be aware, but now you are. The area is definitely marked on Navionics charts, even in 2019. Are your charts up to date?
I'm seeing a "Vessel No Go Zone" SW of North Pender Island, no other explanation, is that what you're speaking of?
Now that you have gotten a warning the next time they will likely drop the hammer and you won’t be able to plead ignorance. I would look up the restricted areas and make note of them and make sure you don’t go into the area again.
I'm seeing a "Vessel No Go Zone" SW of North Pender Island, no other explanation, is that what you're speaking of?

Yes, that is the zone.

Turning off AIS will only make it a tiny bit harder for them to identify you when they call. Without AIS, you will likely be addressed as "Vessel proceeding NW alongside the south end of North Pender Island", as they will have seen you on their VTS Radar.

I hear them call on VHF when I am within VHF range. This year I have been in that general vicinity more, so I noticed the calls more, but I got the impression those calls are more frequent than in previous years. Maybe there is more AIS, maybe they are stepping up their vigilance.

That area used to be a favourite of the center console fishing machine boats, as the spring salmon hung out there. No wonder the Orcas hang out there too.
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Did the whales get the memo so they can stay in their zone?
How far off North Pender Island does that sanctuary zone go? I haven't seen any distance mentioned.
Attached is a PDF of the Pender and Saturna zones. And screen shots from the PDF. Would be good if they gave lat / long coords but it's not that hard to interpret.


  • srkw-ers-5x7-pub-eng.pdf
    436.6 KB · Views: 46
  • Pender.JPG
    41.2 KB · Views: 81
  • Saturna.JPG
    41.4 KB · Views: 86
Thanks for moving this topic forward. Hopefully many boaters will get the message. As Hollywood asks, will the whales?
I think most of you are missing the main point. AIS was created to be a safety device. It has unfortunately turned into a law enforcement device and a stalker or privacy invasion devise.

I really appreciate all of you who broadcast AIS as it makes my life safer. I on the other hand would like to broadcast AIS to make your life safer but I am unwilling to put up with the privacy invasion. Now I have no problem if you know where I am but unfortunately others use the information to track me down to ask me questions. Hay, I'm not at work, leave me alone! Worse, AIS has been used to track people on vacations to rob their houses.

So, 3 boats were breaking the rules. One had AIS, the others were silent. Now the one with AIS has a warning, the other 2 got away with it. Do you think the one will continue to broadcast AIS now? Do you think the other two will upgrade to broadcasting AIS?

I am not promoting rule breaking. I am just pointing out that lazy law enforcement will play a hand in AIS becoming less affective.

Just think how this is going to play out on the East Coast with those off shore 10kt zones. Don't be surprised if pleasure boats start turning off AIS all over.
How far off North Pender Island does that sanctuary zone go? I haven't seen any distance mentioned.

0.5 nautical miles
Your Navionics chart will show a Virtual AtoN at each of the water side boundary corners,
48° 44.150'N 123° 15.517' W at the south and
48° 45.817'N 123° 19.300'W at the north.
The shoreside corners are the south point of N Pender and the red mark perpendicular to the Northern Virtual AtoN.
Was this exclusion zone a test. What might happen after November 30?
I have been aware of this area since it started, but have to agree it is not well marked. Navionics does show Vessel NO Go zone in the middle section once, but unless you magnify it to look for it, does not stand out from the other dotted lines. Like putting a tree in front of a stop sign.
CCG and Customs should work together to better advertise it to our visitors.
Whiskey Gulf is also well known, and you still have to chart a course around it.
But to leave the Bedwell custom docks you turn right into the zone.
Another big proponent of AIS for navigational purposes and following the laws regarding the protection of whales.

In SoCal there are quite a few restricted zones as far as no fishing in order to allow the fish stocks to replenish in certain areas that have been hammered. Same for shellfish and they can be different than the fish zones. The local Fish and Game Wardens are not messing around and take it seriously. It just takes a little extra time to go on line and figure out where the boundaries are.
Once they us AIS for random harassment, I'm turning it off. And looks like they're doing this.
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