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For Sale: Hatteras LRC 48' 1976 For Sale

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Dec 26, 2010
United States of America
Vessel Name
Island Spirit
Vessel Make
1976 Hatteras LRC 48'
I finished and putting up for sale!
Some of you might remember me buying her down in Panama, Boca Del Toro and transporting her to Guatemala, Rio Dulce..
Well we've used her for the past 4 years and last year did a restoration of the interior and all new mechanical (motors, generators, stabilizers, Watermaker, electronics and some exterior items...
the Hatteras Long Range Cruiser is a true Blue Water Cruiser that we cruised all the way from Belize and Guatemala and finally home to Florida 2 years ago and did an extensive refit... we did the Bahamas this Summer for 2 months and now I'm looking for my next project! Possibly the 58' Hatteras LRC or the queen of our fleet - the 65' Hatteras LRC
PM me if your interested or looking for a quality Yacht that burns 4 GPH at 7.2 knots 1650 rpm and 6 GPH at 8.2 knots 1850 rpm and holds 1400 gal of fuel and a true 2500 mile range... Village Marine Watermaker 800 GPD and a 9.5 kw Phasor generator and a 21 kw Phasor generator with 2 water systems - 110 and 12 volt holding 430 gallons of fresh water.
New Garmin touch screen 7612's electronics with 48 mile radar and side vu and down vu sonar..
1000 lb Marquipt Davit totally rebuilt
$350,000 located West coast Florida Tampa Bay Area


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Looks great! Have been thinking about you a lot lately and was looking for your email address to drop you a line. I lost many contacts when my laptop took a dive.

Glad you're getting a larger boat and not swallowing the anchor. You showered much love on Island Spirit and someone is going to get a great boat. Good luck with your sale.
For clarification, my understanding is you went with overhaulling the DD 4-53's instead of repowering with the JD 4045. Correct?
Correct we did a complete take out of the 453's and blocks sent out, cranks sent out- etc all came back in good shape and tolerances
New pistons, rings everything was new.. blowers replaced, alternators upgraded, starters replaced, both gears rebuilt not they needed it.. all new hoses
Sea strainers completely gone thru all new seals, Racors the same, naiad Fins upgraded to 6.5 sq Ft plus fluid tank serviced painted & relocated outside stbd motor and all new hydraulic hoses and the seals replaced
I will put a list together of everything replaced, rebuilt
Or serviced...
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Dont think I haven't thought of that boats are so cheap in America compared to Ozzieland even with the AU $ dollar

Yeah, I've seen the mono's run more. But what about Cats? You've got the builders and a much wider selection, no?
Beautiful boat. Nice touch on the valve covers. ;)
Just as a side note she is on Yacht world and lowered price to $299,000 ... I have a deal on another Larger LRC to close next spring !
Hatteras 58

Interested in a lrc. Hatteras 58 has aft state room and good sized engine room.
Yes 58 has aft master
The 48 has center master and forward Guest Stateroom so 2 staterooms 2 heads & showers
58 has 3
There are few 48's with 3 staterooms, not as roomy as the 2 staterooms. Personally I think the 48 ideal layout is 2 staterooms if you don't need the 3rd cabin. I prefer the larger master. Owned the 2 stateroom model for 12 years and never had a need for 3. There is also a bunk in the pilot house if you occasionally needed the space.
Good luck on your sale.
Thanks !!
We also had custom dinette installed in salon - u shape dinette with pull out board for center with cushions to make a 2 Person pit
We did custom work in the pilot house. You can see the Video of it on U Tube, Intervale 11 offered by Virginia Yaght brokers from back in 2014 when we sold it. We sold it very quick.
We really liked the boat, we just wanted something a little more blue water capable and larger so we sold and upgraded.
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