Have you been to Owen Bay? Have you met Jack?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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I had a similar experience. I was anchored out in Desolation Sound with my wife in our old Monk sedan cruiser. We were sleeping in the V berth. From the V berth, you could look straight through the cabin to the door that went out to the rear deck. In the middle of the night I heard somebody board the boat. I waited quietly and heard the door knob turn. The door opened and a guy stuck his head in. He was wearing a sombrero and I recognized him! Then I saw that his burro was right behind him and I yelled at him to get off my boat. That woke up my wife. She says I yelled something like "Argheuwy!!!" I explained to her that Juan Valdez had boarded, opened the cockpit door, and was grinning at me. But what really upset me was when I saw that he had come onboard with his burro. She thinks it was a bad (weird) dream. I think that I scared them away.
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