Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

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Hi mate. Snap on sounds like a great idea. I was going to trowel on glue and stick it down but some s/steel snaps in the corners would possibly do the job. How far apart are the snap fittings mate?

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On the longest stretches, snaps are roughly 2.5 feet apart. Then they're on the corners of every hatch, cut-out, etc. Here are some pics. Hope this helps. The carpet is easy to remove if you have to get to the deck below...kind of a pia to put back on because it's tight, but that is a worthwhile pia in my opinion.


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Chur Chur. I'll get the ends stitched like the pics to finish off the edges like a factory job I reckon ;-) .... What's tassie like? I was hoping to get over there this year to do an inspection of a Port we operate out of down there with TT Line

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Truly Gods country mate, I have worked just about everywhere in Australia and many many places overseas also and I just love Tassie.

A couple of pics of the carpet put in without edging at this stage.

I have some snap down carpet in my cockpit as well. It's pretty tired and needs to be replaced, just haven't gotten around to it yet. (Saying that in this thread makes me feel particularly useless, by the way...)

I'd definitely snap it down rather than glue it if I were in your shoes.
One of my previous boats had a snap in carpet. Binded and was nice on the feet. The snaps were around the edges about ever 2-3 feet. After a few years the carpet started to shrink a bit making it hard to stretch to the snaps. But if yours is gonna be exposed year round, plan on replacing ever couple of years anyway. Being able to remove makes cleaning and drying very easy, both the carpet and the deck. Don't be surprised if you see some fading when you remove the carpet.

Thanks mate. Really appreciate your guidance

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On the longest stretches, snaps are roughly 2.5 feet apart. Then they're on the corners of every hatch, cut-out, etc. Here are some pics. Hope this helps. The carpet is easy to remove if you have to get to the deck below...kind of a pia to put back on because it's tight, but that is a worthwhile pia in my opinion.

Awesome feedback and pics. Thanks mate. This has helped a lot. Thanks again!

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Truly Gods country mate, I have worked just about everywhere in Australia and many many places overseas also and I just love Tassie.

A couple of pics of the carpet put in without edging at this stage.

Thanks for the pics and feedback mate. If I get to tas I'll give you a heads up and we'll catch up for a frothy :) likewise if you're over this way too!

Thanks again for your input

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I'm liking the sound of this carpet snap clips more and more. I think what I'll do is mark out a nice segmented pattern, high gloss spray a border and dividing strips, then tape up the gloss paint then roll on the Kiwi grip non-slip then put down removable trimmed carpet with snap hooks.

If I ever (God forbid) need to sell AXE then at least I won't lose points on having fixed carpet and off the carpet turns to sh*t then I'll still have a shiny deck.

I spoke to a woman from the rubber flooring shop and she said it's a very hot product so I'll need to wear shoes because it burns! Which I though hmmm still interested then I saw the price. Now I'm not interested lol

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hmmm still interested then I saw the price. Now I'm not interested lol

Felt the same way 3-4ish years ago when I saw a brand new Grand Banks Heritage at the sales dock. Heard the price and decided I couldn't afford the swim platform.
You can buy a simple snap kit and stainless snaps from most marine places or leather shops but you need a good solid base to bend the tops over, and a punch to put the hole in the carpet. Relatively easy job though.
One thing to remember on the carpet, Matt. Mine is ribbed rubber on the underside so any water that seeps through or under can run out so you don't have water puddling on the deck...Just an FYI.
One thing to remember on the carpet, Matt. Mine is ribbed rubber on the underside so any water that seeps through or under can run out so you don't have water puddling on the deck...Just an FYI.

Thanks mate. I'll keep that in mind when I'm settled on the supplier

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Ok, question for the tech guys. I just bought a lowrance HDS10

I am looking at the Airmar 1Kw bronze thru-hull transducer. It's going to cost around AU$1,300 which was expected from previous research.

Then I see a transducer for structure scan and that's about AU$1,000 then I need to buy all the associated structure scan modules etc

My question is, do I need to buy both transducers or can I just get the structure scan one. I can't tell if the structure scan one reads temps or depths etc or is purely structure imagining.

The web is full of info but nothing that answers my questions.

Thought I'd try here before going to lowrance or Airmar cause I know what they'll say. Yeah mate you need both (wether I do or not)

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Ok, question for the tech guys. I just bought a lowrance HDS10

I am looking at the Airmar 1Kw bronze thru-hull transducer. It's going to cost around AU$1,300 which was expected from previous research.

Then I see a transducer for structure scan and that's about AU$1,000 then I need to buy all the associated structure scan modules etc

My question is, do I need to buy both transducers or can I just get the structure scan one. I can't tell if the structure scan one reads temps or depths etc or is purely structure imagining.

The web is full of info but nothing that answers my questions.

Thought I'd try here before going to lowrance or Airmar cause I know what they'll say. Yeah mate you need both (wether I do or not)

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Matt, yes it will. Not sure about temp though. I'd just go with the B164, all that stuff scan this chirp that is a little overrated IMO.
I've got the snap on carpet, as well. Definitely the way to go if you want carpet.

Much easier to clean by pulling it up and giving it a good hose down after a day out squidding.
Matt, yes it will. Not sure about temp though. I'd just go with the B164, all that stuff scan this chirp that is a little overrated IMO.

Ok thanks mate, will do. Appreciate your direction.

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Matt, yes it will. Not sure about temp though. I'd just go with the B164, all that stuff scan this chirp that is a little overrated IMO.

Might go the B260 or the SS270W

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What's your thoughts on those two?

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B260 has my vote, that's what I'd put on my boat. But I fish I. Deep water a lot, you may fish in shallower. You really can't go wrong with any of them.
Ok so this afternoon I headed down to do some sanding. OMFG I don't know what it is with this latest roll of 450gsm tape but when I was rolling out the glass to cut to size the other day i was splintering up really bad and now when I sanded it HOLY HELL it drive me mental. So much so I could only bear 1.5 hrs of it and had to race home and jump in the shower. This is on top of the PPE I was wearing.

The glass shop says it's the same gear I always get but I call Bullsh*t.

It acted differently going down and now this. I've got so much more to sand too! Grrrrr

Anyway after I alighted from the shower and my scratching hell, I saw I had an eBay present arrive.

If anyone is looking for badges, give this bloke a go. I was impressed with the quality and the price.

Anyway that's all. Can't scratch and type at the same time.


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My Lowrance arrived today. And it fits. Yaay

I've decided to remove the black acrylic because it scratches soooooo easily. Wiped it with s rag and it scratched. That would piss me off to no end so off it came.

Have sourced some powder coated aluminium and looks mint. Need to router it but will come up a treat.

I will be lining the toilet in it in gloss white too.

Below link for the tech minded


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No work on AXE this weekend. I took the dink out for a run and checked the mooring and just relaxed in this lovely weather
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Nice little arvo effort today. Epoxy filler troweled on the fwd cabin roof and I cut the wall panels for the toilet. Tomorrow arvo they can be glued into place then the openings cut out for the in wall cabinet and the port hole

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:speed boat:Matt me mate!

Love the way you have 1/2 used roll of TP for "head" designation purposes... guess that's so when you get dizzy from turning around on all the things you simultaneously accomplish you then have a bearing point for true north! Or something like that - LOL!

Keep it up bro. :thumb: You'll suddenly reach the short strokes on this glorious boat refurbishment project. If I hadn't seen this done with my own eyes I would have hard time believing a story like this. TY soooo much for continued picts and play by play descriptions! :socool:

Art :D
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