Hendo's Randall 35 Cray Boat complete rebuild, Perth, Western Australia

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
She’s livin large now. Even got a real roof.
Sure do spoil her.

Congrats of a milestone!
Congrats on the first move. She is looking great, looking forward to the cruising stories.
I’m guessing the deal with the landlord prematurely went caput
This afternoon I lightly sanded and then brushed on a third coat of enamel to the Portside window sill and hatch way trim. Moved a few things around, fixed the kitchen that got broken a little while back and then got the starboard sill ready for filling and paint prepping.


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Sorry for the upside down pics. The TF phone app doesn’t suit the iPhone XS Max and it doesn’t look like TF are doing anything to rectify so the easiest way is to upload through safari but I can’t control the picture rotation. Sorry
Looks Great!... And, the beat goes onnnnn!!
Sorry for the upside down pics. The TF phone app doesn’t suit the iPhone XS Max and it doesn’t look like TF are doing anything to rectify so the easiest way is to upload through safari but I can’t control the picture rotation. Sorry

Photos that are “landscape” as opposed to “portrait” will be right-side up. Either take them landscape or crop a portrait into landscape.
Photos that are “landscape” as opposed to “portrait” will be right-side up. Either take them landscape or crop a portrait into landscape.

Sorry mate so landscape as in hold the phone lengthways not vertical and the pics will work out ok?


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Hendo, good to see her on the move and now close to the water.
Must be getting close to splash time.
Have you made your choice of toilet?
After many years and many toilets and much shitty work, there is only one, Tecma Silence plus.
All looking good mate
Sorry for the upside down pics. The TF phone app doesn’t suit the iPhone XS Max and it doesn’t look like TF are doing anything to rectify so the easiest way is to upload through safari but I can’t control the picture rotation. Sorry

Well Matt, from my perspective here on the east coast of the USA, every boat down under has some silly problem appearing upright.

By the way, did the crane operator happen to give you a sling weight ?
Yea let’s hear on the weight.
Looks like the crane had no trouble w it.
And great .. you are under covered moorage.
Weighs no more than Matt can handle!! That is proven fact!!
Congrats Matt! Sure looks a beauty on the trailer.
Rightio so this afternoon I sanded the Starboard side window sill and gave it a couple of coats of primer. Once I did that I jumped in the engine room because I’ve been trying to stop a small diesel leak in the fuel tank the last few weeks and I wanted to see if the epoxy I applied on Friday worked. Nup still leaking. WTF I thought I had nailed it......DEVO..!!!. After a bit more investigation it turns out I’ve been “fixing” the wrong bit #dumbarse. The bungs aren’t leaking at all. I have a 50mm long hairline crack halfway up the tank. The diesel is running down and on to the bungs and dripping off them into the bilge hence why I thought it was the bungs. Ive been chasing my tail the whole time.

Plan A - find a clean 1000ltr IBC and pump out the 500ltrs in the tank out and into the IBC then weld it and pump the diesel back into the boat tank.

Plan B - Get the dremel and key out the crack and do a temp repair on it so I can use up the fuel in the tank once she’s in drink and run it dry and do a permanent fix later on in the year.


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Well Matt, from my perspective here on the east coast of the USA, every boat down under has some silly problem appearing upright.

By the way, did the crane operator happen to give you a sling weight ?

Yeah mate she’s 10.5 tonne. Once she’s done I’d say she’ll be around 12 tonne.
If it was me I would the tank now while out of the water. You never know what can happen while fixing it so if anything goes wrong it would be easier to resolve the issue, just a thought :)

If it was me I would the tank now while out of the water. You never know what can happen while fixing it so if anything goes wrong it would be easier to resolve the issue, just a thought :)


Hey Lou,
Yeah Since the post I made this arvo I’ve decided to get some HTS-2000 rods and a propane blowtorch and repair the tank. I can’t remove the tank so I’ll do it in situ. I’ve ordered the rods online so once they arrive I’ll seal up the tank. Tomorrow I’ll clean the surface and router/key out the crack with the Dremel in preparation.
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