Ironically one of those boats I've always ridiculed as a big Clorox bottle, a big white tennis shoe on the water -- 1996 Mainship 37 -- not a Marlow trawler version, I mean the aft cabin weekend condo-on-the-water type, at a marina in Somerset, Mass. We have one on the docks here and even though I won't be crossing the Atlantic in it, they are very comfortable. I don't know if it's our "Loop" boat or not, we'll see. Just as we're discussing here, might not be big enough, but then a number of people have done the Loop with these and there's even one on AGLCA's website right now in Columbus Mississippi.
If this deal happens I'm already hatching a plot to run the boat from Somerset to Newport, then Mystic, and then to the lower Connecticut River, have it pulled and winterized and stored in one of the marinas on the river (where I sailed forever as a teenager), then in the spring take a couple weeks off (~18 calendar days), do the rest of Long Island Sound, New York City, up the Hudson, Erie Canal, and then have it shipped overland from around Toledo. But first we have to see if the owner's representation about being able to do a white-glove test on the bilge is true. Watch, the pictures are pristine but in reality it's a Hurricane Sandy victim swamped up to the flybridge with seagulls nesting on the radar array and those photos were taken in 1998.