Don't thinkng you need à life of expérience to do something.
In boating like everywhere you will find someone who don't give advi e or they give à général idea at the end of their curriculum vitæ...
But for example for you what is important : an advice or know if I am à Cpt 3000 or à simple river/sailor ?
First what you can do in confort of your house : read and Learn.
After that find a réal expérienced sailor ( be carefull in the bar everyone say they are experienced
Training, training don't need year navigation is " only" logic, anticipation...and luck
A expérience sailor said : 'une manœuvre réussie c'est une catastrophe évitée de justesse'
Few time in my life during manoeuvring something goïng wrong for example à gust at the wrong moment, you thinking **** and by miracle it work well in bad situation, the neiborg come to félicitate your seamanship and always I reply : I was Lucky.Some will said 'I have 40 year training behin me etc etc....
I think this type of People forgot the first lesson given by sea : modesty !
Never thinking you know all, continue to learn stay modeste .
And you could be from Mountain take your first boat like old friends who know nothing ( exept leanr theorie) he start from south coast of France to Baleares "to see"...and continu Gibraltar, Canaries,CapVert , Brésil, Antilles,Acores and back to France. Strong boat, right season, prudent problem.
You have also People not prudent, weak boat who do circumnanigation ...they was lucky like Auboiroux and his small wooden boat Neovent.
And some very experienced people who died ,May be too much experienced and forgot 'prudence' for example Tabarly very experienced French sailor difficult to be more experienced but ....died at sea.
Or Moitessier who lost 2 boat, also put ashore with Joshua but experie ced man (run the world 11/2 turn non stop)
Or Slocum very experienced with professional cursus, à réal 'pure malt seaman, lost at sea.
And on big ships also they can make mistake even big mistake,...I saw some during my life, lukily I never made with big one or passenger but with my own one I still make mistake :-(