Marin sounds correct about twin-engined boats being inefficient running on a single engine, and I'd add based on verbal and written accounts, very difficult to maneuver.
Au contraire, Marin and Mark.
The fuel savings (or not) from running a twin on one will vary with the type of hull, the speed, the weight of the boat, the engines, and a whole bunch of other variables. The tests I've seen charted used boats like ours-- relatively heavy (30,000 pound-plus), keeled, semi-planing boats with relatively low powered engines (FL120s and the like). These comparison tests showed that at best the fuel savings were minimal and under some conditions the efficiency was actually worse than running the boat on both engines.
How these comparison tests relate to a light (17,000 pounds) planing cruiser with gas engines I have no idea but the two types of boats are so different I would be hesitant to apply the results from one type to the other type.