Ignorant question. Battery temp compensation

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May 26, 2015
Gig Harbor, WA
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North Pacific 43
So I am adjusting the settings on my Victron MPPT solar charger.

I am using a bank of 4 L16 AGM 6v batteries. Each battery has 3 cells. Two sets of batteries are connected in series and those two sets are connected in parallel for a 12v system.

Here is the question, the batteries call for -4mV/cell temp compensation per C° above 27°C.

So, I am thinking that this would be -24mV for this battery bank. Being in series, each pair of 6v batteries has 6 cells. However the total bank has 12 cells.

So would the temp compensation be -24mV/C° or -48mV/C°?
It would be -24mv / *C. It's the number of cells in series that counts, not the total number. Paralleled cells only impact capacity, not voltage, so they don't impact the necessary temperature compensation.
It would be -24mv / *C. It's the number of cells in series that counts, not the total number. Paralleled cells only impact capacity, not voltage, so they don't impact the necessary temperature compensation.
Thank you! That is what I thought but then I started to second guess myself. Lol
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