Interesting boats

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Esthetics in boat design is extremely personal. I know what I like and it may not be what the next person likes. Like art. My tastes run to what I consider to be the pleasing lines of the traditional. Build or buy what you like, especially if you can afford to do so and not worry about being able to sell it down the line.
David there are many variables in art that are considered good and/or bad. For example a subject in a picture that appears to be moving should be not centered but placed a little in the opposite direction the object is moving. Like a boat moving to the right would be placed a bit to the left. I have heard "to give it room to go". And there is much to learn about compatability of lines, colors, type of shapes, composition ect.

So the old saying "in the eye of the beholder" is not true. Personal taste only indicates if a specific person likes the creation. Whether it is good style, art or whatever will be based on the elements of art and design. Not just any old person's likes or dislikes. But many times the elements of art and design are neutral. So often likes and dislikes are as valid as the opinions of experts. But I only have a minor in art.
I agree but Venus and A are IMO the only two large yachts that anyone had the guts to separate themselves from the herd design wise in decades. Making them both quite interesting by definition.

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Those two boats where designed by the same guy, and now a third one,.... the very ugly sailing Yacht "A"

I wrote on another forum:
I have been trying to make some sense of this Russian owner, but I can't really come up with anything but that he is caught up in this 'Mine's Bigger' frame of mind.
I don't see where he has any interest or knowledge of boats in his background. It appears as thought he doesn't even entertain onboard to any extent,...why own a vessel (or 2 now) of such a huge dimensions??

His power yacht, the first "A', I believe came about as a result of the US Navy's initial work on the DD21 Arsenal Ship. Why not built a 'civilian version' of that unique design. Certainly would be a most talked about vessel around the world ! The DD21 became the SC21, and that evolved into the current Zumwalt' vessel design. (The Zumwalt class tumblehome hull is derived from that of the DD-21).


Rather interestingly,
In a separate study in 1993, two French students had been assigned the design of a Large Capacity Missile Ship, a 20,000-tonner with 500 VLS cells filled with land-attack missiles.[11] This design was inspired by a RAND paper in that year, which suggested a land invasion could be halted by destroying 20% of its vehicles with precision munitions.[12] This would take several days with aircraft, but a surface ship with large numbers of land-attack missiles could achieve the same effect almost instantly.

So now he decides to challenge the sailing side of things. After all Tom Perkins had certainly made quite a big splash in the world with his development and subsequent building of the Maltese Falcon.

But what an extremely poor effort for someone who has supposedly had the smarts to build this huge fortune of money. I can only think that this guy has been very lucky to have made all that money, by just being at the right place and time in history,...not by his superior intellect or super tech developments, or individual achievements
He was there at the time the USSR was undergoing some big changes, and he happen to set up some banking deals for another MAJOR Russian oligarch who was already making millions. That took him into the processes that allowed him to make so much money off of the Russian natural resources, a few of these guys have done.

So back to his sailing vessel. Does anyone believe that this thing is really going to be able to sail? Look at the huge windage that this hull design has. And who wants to be on the upper decks or pilot house when this thing heels over? ...not me. ( I recall this similar subject came up as well during the development of Maltese Falcon).

This boat is a disaster waiting to happen.

I can only hope that the owner is never able to bring a lawsuit against the shipyard with respect to this ill-conceived design project.

Sailing Yacht "A"
F/V Petrel
Has anybody been following this blog ? I just stumbled on it a couple days ago . I like the way he is venting the old fish hold .Its just a simple maybe 4" pipe hooked to a round spinning roof vent . I was wondering if this works good and if I could rig up something on William like this maybe even two . I need some ventilation below the aft deck.


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I wonder how well they would work in low wind situations? It is one thing to vent a van driving down the highway at 50mph, but for a boat at anchor with 5 knots of wind?
Was out very early yesterday morning exploring Casco Bay in the whaler and saw this aluminum gem.


That's the setting moon, not rising sun :thumb:
Was out very early yesterday morning exploring Casco Bay in the whaler and saw this aluminum gem.


That's the setting moon, not rising sun :thumb:

My first impression was that it was Idlewild, the George Buehler design that cruised the world a number of years back. But a closer inspection reveals that this is a completely different vessel.

Idlewild Expedition
I wonder how well they would work in low wind situations? It is one thing to vent a van driving down the highway at 50mph, but for a boat at anchor with 5 knots of wind?

I saw them spinning on top of vans, sitting at a red light... The real question is how much air is it pulling through the vent hole?

I would contact them and ask: Flettner Ventilator - Eco-friendly wind powered roof ventilators

They have marine applications on their website.
Marine Ventilation Products - Flettner Ventilator
Just saw this on YW. 38' based on Tad Roberts Yellow Cedar Design .Sweet ride
I'm not sure how to attach the link .

Yellow Cedar is one of my very favorite boats. Thanks for the picture Marty. Have only seen drawgs before. Look at the wake (or lack of same) to see how easily this one slides along. I think she has less power than Willy .. 28hp? Mark would easily call her a "slicer". Magic.
WLL? ..... maximum.

The Memory 38 has a 52 HP Yanmar engine with 3.2:1 reduction turning a 20" x 19.5" three-bladed prop.

I've been drooling over this one since it was posted here. Looks like some lucky SOB is making a move. Sale pending.
I've a brother who lives in Thomaston...

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When I get bored, I look around at boats. Healhustler knows this and he recently sent me this boat to needle me. If someone really wanted to go places in reasonable comfort and not spend huge money, this seems like a decent candidate. Even though it looks like a sailboat, to me it's more like a powerboat with sails on it. Decent pilothouse. Good room. Good engine. Good outside space (but no outside helm which is kind of strange). It has had a recent rigging refit.

Since I'm sitting here fantasizing, would any of you west coast folks want to help bring her back to the east coast? ?
1959 36' Wahl Brothers "Full Moon"


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Herman and Hellen - A closed/abandoned marina at end of Eight Mile road.

In San Francisco freshwater Delta (City of Stockton territory). Has become bone yard for old working/tourist boats.

Boat on outside of first pict is wood... many locations where rot has left gaping holes in upper hull. Steel boat on inside was decades ago a starring ocean tour attraction. Several CG tugs... etc... also present in close proximity. Sad to see good ol' boats die!!

Cheers! - Art :speed boat:


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Herman and Hellen - A closed/abandoned marina at end of Eight Mile road.

In San Francisco freshwater Delta (City of Stockton territory). Has become bone yard for old working/tourist boats.

Boat on outside of first pict is wood... many locations where rot has left gaping holes in upper hull. Steel boat on inside was decades ago a starring ocean tour attraction. Several CG tugs... etc... also present in close proximity. Sad to see good ol' boats die!!

Cheers! - Art :speed boat:

My trip there in 2008.

That's a propper fish boat to be sure. Even the stove stack is propper and in the propper place. Where is the boat? I would think Fl would be a strange place for such a boat.

Can't get your link to pop up.

"Herman and Helen" yacht harbor was bustling activity decades ago. Activity slowed... Then it closed for a while. Tried to restart operations again some five or six years ago. Didn't last long before it closed down again. Now thw buildings, docks, fuel pumps etc are in fairly bad shape. Doubt it will open-up again.
Here's a long range cruiser that caught my eye. Used Custom Long Range Motor Cruiser for Sale | Boats For Sale | Yachthub
The vendor is reporting a range of 6000 nm.

It appears to be a very well thought out custom built boat.
Main engine is a John Deere 6068, with a Yanmar 3GM backup engine with folding prop in a separate watertight compartment.
Interesting bilge keel design.


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That's a propper fish boat to be sure. Even the stove stack is propper and in the propper place. Where is the boat? I would think Fl would be a strange place for such a boat.
This boat is in BC for sale on CL .
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