Interesting boats

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Hey, Hey!!! Not so fast. She's got a Tolly hull. Surely "might" float, without tipping over - LOL

But - Who Gives a Shat???!!! :rofl: :facepalm: :lol:
:D Saw that, but figured Mr.Tolley never imagined:facepalm: anyone building that on his hull.
:D Saw that, but figured Mr.Tolley never imagined:facepalm: anyone building that on his hull.

It was just “Tolly”. Mr. Tollefson if you want to be formal, but he liked to just be called “Tolly”. Just figured we should keep referring to him as he liked. It would have been his birthday today. Jan 24. I was lucky enough to get to throw him his 100th birthday party.
I was going to buy it but I only have $49,000. What a shame!
I thought I’d posted this pic of a new boat in the next slip over.

Don’t know a thing about it other than a bit more than what you see.
Haven’t seen the owners.

I am very impressed w the rub rails. Look tough.

Yea, the rub rail used to be designed for rubbing. Not any longer. Now, gotta put SS on it too, make it look pretty..
Rails around engine

Here's what is in the soon to be ours boat. Needs a little touch up paint, but serves the purpose! Paint doesn't like to stick too well to galvanized pipe.


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It was just “Tolly”. Mr. Tollefson if you want to be formal, but he liked to just be called “Tolly”. Just figured we should keep referring to him as he liked. It would have been his birthday today. Jan 24. I was lucky enough to get to throw him his 100th birthday party.

One great guy! And, reasons why I own a Tolly!

Tollycraft Corp. founder 'Tolly' Tollefson dies at age 100
By Barbara LaBoe / The Daily News The Daily News Online | Posted: Friday, May 13, 2011 8:10 pm

R.M. "Tolly" Tollefson, who turned a hobby into a Kelso company that employed 260 people and produced "the Cadillac of yachts," died May 6 in Port Ludlow, Wash. He was 100.

"He was very, very smart — brilliant, really," recalled Longview's Eydie Ramshaw, who worked for Tollefson at Tollycraft Corp. for 27 years. "He was on the floor all the time and very good-natured, very happy, always giving compliments."

A big group former employees and yacht enthusiasts gathered for Tollefson's 100th birthday party in January. All of his original management staff was there, some traveling from as far away as Arizona, Ramshaw said.
He was frail but still alert and had a great memory, Ramshaw said.
Tollefson was born in Idaho. His family later moved to Oregon, where he built model boats and worked at a lake resort near Medford, Ore. In the 1940s, he moved to Kelso and purchased an old mill and lumber yard. When that burned down in 1952, Tollefson used the insurance money to turn his hobby of building custom boats for friends into a new business.

He started with 10 employees and expanded as the reputation of his boats grew. While Tollycraft was not one of the largest yacht manufacturers, its boats were prized for their quality and attention to detail. Owners have formed several "Tollycraft Clubs" to share their enthusiasm for the boats.
"It's kind of a labor of love," Tollefson told the Daily News in 1987. "I had no intention of building a business the size it is today."

"It was the quality and the design," Ramshaw said of the boats' popularity. "Everything was hand-built, and it was nothing but top notch."

Seattle naval architect Ed Monk, who helped design the yachts with Tollefson, called them the "Cadillac of yachts" in 1987 when the company was sold. At the time, the company's premiere 61-footer sold for $750,000.

Ramshaw was one of the first 10 women Tollefson hired in the 1960s, declaring that women were more particular about quality, she said.
Tollefson began his second retirement in 1987 (his first didn't take) in Port Ludlow. The company, which had some rocky times and tax problems in the 1990s, closed for good in 1998.

There are plans for memorials to Tollefson at several Tollycraft boat clubs, including possibly scattering some of his ashes in Kelso, according to the boating website Three Sheets Northwest. Ramshaw hasn't heard the details yet.

The workers were like one big family, she said, and that's why they kept in touch with their former boss decades after he retired.

"It was just really special," Ramshaw recalled of her time at Tollycraft. "We all felt special and knew were building quality. I loved that job. I'd still be there if I could - and I'm almost 70 years old."
Here's what is in the soon to be ours boat. Needs a little touch up paint, but serves the purpose! Paint doesn't like to stick too well to galvanized pipe.

Dude, that's a work of art.
“Tolly Poem”

March 9, 2009 / by Art Burtis – Owner of a Tolly!

1977 Tollycraft, 34’ tri cabin with a very sunny deck, named “The Office”

For: Robert Merland Tollefson
(And All Tolly Friends)


Tolly grew rugged in Idaho snow; from very young age having mind on the go
Wisdom a factor runs strong in his genes; with good life to live, age builds means
Respect and straight thought, passion for all; Tolly made living a time to stand tall
Boats caught his attention, then attention caught fire; Tolly located his true heart’s desire
Singing and acting he played for a while; but boats for dear Tolly stayed top of the pile
Designing and building was study he choose; the more he thought boats, the higher thoughts rose
No matter world times of depression so full; Tolly was always ready to pull
A mag gave him plans for boat vessel to build; soon his life needs would start to be filled
Wars come and go, as we all know; tis people as Tolly that finish the show
Corvette boats, buoy tenders, tugs play a part; their captains, like Tolly, steer strong from their heart
In war-times of duress, with hope at a low; sweet ice-cream for workers helps everything flow
Lumber and millwork made Tolly do well; but boats were his passion, that he could tell

Sudden wind blew cross his lumber shop tour; flames liked high toward ruin for sure
He then caught insurance, dreaming sea-tales for comfort; twas his capability, to turn ruin triumphant
Soon there were wisps of waves in his mind; he realized for certain twas time for sea-kind
Up lifted he felt, knowing full well; as his own boat-filled ruler, success would foretell
So, to boat designs Tolly entered his might; feeling quite rightly Tolly boats would take flight
He grumbled, he garnered, Tolly worked his butt off; associates gathered to make his landing soft
With effort and smarts he planned Tolly boat toys; each meant to be friendly for all women and big boys
Outboard then inboard, in wood and then glass; 14 then 20 then 60 foot class
Tolly and Monk, designers dejure; made big ones and small ones, grand selections for sure
Months turned to years with decades to follow; Tolly’s great boats filled many a sea hollow
Next thing Tolly knew a following grew tight; each asking him louder to continue his flight.
So keeping his premise of pay as you go; Tolly made commitment to let everyone know
My Tollys are fashioned with pleasure in mind; fear not their built backbone, seaworthy you’ll find.
Humming along, his boat factory built; Tolly his mates with associates felt

Offers came in from others that build; asking Tolly to join with their boating guild
Carefully, methodically he searched with due diligence; through all of their figures and factory significance
Each time does he find that when all the smoke clears; they are not as they premised, their books holding smears
So back to his shop with sea waves in mind; each time to feel comfort as he worked with like kind
One Tolly then another rolled through the front door, it felt like forever occurring for sure
They patted each Tolly on the rump as it passed; giving boats ingenuity, via love that could last

First they built wood, then built with glass; as all things traverse life forms, all eventually pass
Decades ran by, many years of success; Tolly felt sure they could sell outright, creating no mess
So sell it he did to a group with big funds; thinking they could play Tolly, with more decades of runs.

Too soon due to items that can hobble a giant; the cost of boat building became highly defiant.
Accountants played numbers, builders they built and salesmen they sold; no matter the efforts, Tollycraft’s end was foretold
There were hiccups and belches, grand tries galore; all meant to save the once great Tolly store
No matter how inventive, no matter how smart; no person got Tollycraft a financial restart
Deep sadness was felt by all true believers; unfortunate conditions placed Tollycraft at hand of receivers

Once a great effort comes to end of its line; tiz best to take comfort from days of past time
For years Robert Tollefson and friends broke new molds; of boats toward perfection as their designing unfolds
Tolly boats changed yacht market’s complexion, with many fine seamen telling great recollection
Tolly and Monk with all of their friends; never looked back as they prospered toward Tolly boat ends

Now that it’s over, great memories galore; remember, not Tolly nor Monk are who closed the door
Six thousand five hundred Tollys or more; came to existence to travel the shore
For keeping them going and in good repair, tis a fellow named Gordon whose always right there

Great structure, design and rugged sea worthy; make all Tolly owners quite ready to survey
Tolly’s true meaning at end of this show; a meaning deep seated, a reason to know
On travel, the Tollys for all owners’ pleasure; a life of sea views toward great fun and leisure
A century from now when we here are gone; there will be classic prized Tollys motoring on
Great results from Tolly’s system is so simple to see; good endeavors are empowered by the operative word WE!

Successful regards, Mr. Tollefson. You are one great boat builder!

Art Burtis, a proud Tolly owner.

Boats – Forever!

Of necessity and for simplicity, floating devices were utilized by humans for transportation purposes long before the wheel was devised.

Via human ingenuity, intelligent boat designs became the natural outcropping.

Of necessity and for pleasure, floating devices that carry all manner of items will continue to be one of the most often used and intricately designed transportation devices.

Of pleasure, “power boating” and “sail boating” will always remain as one of the best recreational devices ever available, bar none!

By design, Tollycraft will always be a renowned name in boats.

Here's what is in the soon to be ours boat. Needs a little touch up paint, but serves the purpose! Paint doesn't like to stick too well to galvanized pipe.

That design will do nicely considering you have a work bench for your vise.
I will have to build a bit higher than the top of my engine so I can build a plate, traversing port to starboard, to mount a medium size vise.

I suspect there are primers that will permit the paint to stick better.
Here's what is in the soon to be ours boat. Needs a little touch up paint, but serves the purpose! Paint doesn't like to stick too well to galvanized pipe.

To heck with paint, wrap it in some small diameter rope, -1/4" or so. Will look proper and "shippy"
Seriously, that is a work of art.... Enjoy!

To heck with paint, wrap it in some small diameter rope, -1/4" or so. Will look proper and "shippy"
Seriously, that is a work of art.... Enjoy!


and watch it dark with oil stains.... then you can paint it white.
Mr. Al. WOW, and Aww... Snap! That's the first boat that's been posted in a LONG while that I might possibly be interested in IF I was younger and wanted a boat that large (downsizing from a 46' and 42' isn't "down" enough). Thanks. Interior pictures would be nice.
Mr. Al. WOW, and Aww... Snap! That's the first boat that's been posted in a LONG while that I might possibly be interested in IF I was younger and wanted a boat that large (downsizing from a 46' and 42' isn't "down" enough). Thanks. Interior pictures would be nice.

Yup, dang purdy :thumb:
Awesome. Wife and myself visited one of these 20 - 25 years ago in Genoa Bay. Fellow was living on it, she was named Uijongbu(spelling), painted bright red. Gorgeous, impressed with the layout. I've been in love ever since. Could never find where it got to. I asked around and was told Camano never made such a boat.
Thanks for proving them wrong.
Surely would be nice to have some interior photos!! The house does look like a Camano h ouse.
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Interesting, the ad has been flagged for removal, and is no longer viewable . . . :confused:

Leave it old 'Al', I can kill a thread faster than a gun slinger on steroids'!!:hide::whistling:
OMGawd Al... I was just bustin Bills chops... We all had a fun night of giving and receiving that at Last TF gathering... Bill knows its all in fun, big love!

I never saw a problem with it. I thought it was hysterical in the spirit of humor and friendly, good natured ribbing. :D
We think our new (to us) boat is interesting.


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