Island Gypsy 32 radar arch free

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May 2, 2014
Galveston TX
Vessel Name
River Horse
Vessel Make
Island Gypsy
To the people around Rockland, ME. I left a radar arch that was attached to the stern flybridge railing of an 32 ft IG Europa that is free to anyone that wishes to pick it up in Rockland, ME. It used to be used for a TV antenna and some other antennas.
It is sturdy and in excellent shape and would be costly if one had to buy it. I tried to sell it at the consignment shop in Rockland, but had no lookers/takers. By the way, it can be seen at
Jos (Galveston, TX) River Horse
Could be very useful for mounting solar panels too. It would cost heaps to get one made.

Well, I am fairly close to Rockland. I've never liked the PO installed mast that sits in the center of our bridge. Takes up valuable space. What would be the procedure for me to pick it up at the "free" price?
What would be the procedure for me to pick it up at the "free" price?
David, I couldn't agree more! That arch would sure spruce up that "ragged" looking fly bridge of yours! :whistling:


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David Hawkins,
I'll email MarineConsignment and let them know that you will pick it up. The contact info is: 2 Sea Street Place, Rockland, ME 04841; Phone: 207-596-3313; E-Mail: (It is just off the street to Journey's End Marina. John Douglas owner)
Please contact John to confirm that he got my email and you can pick it up (note, there should be no charge)
Jos Wristers (note, Jos not Joe)
Many thanks Jos. I'll call him this week but won't be able to get down there til the following week.
Hope it works out well. Let me know if there is any problem picking it up.

Picked it up today. Many thanks. It looks in great condition and should fit the bill if I can figure out how to attach it to the boat. Why did you discard it, if I may ask?
You"re Welcome
Don't need it.
The boat came with many extras including a complete main aft deck canvass and clear enclosure that I am not using.
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