Lost at sea for months?

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This, from foxnews.com Holes emerge in Hawaii women's tale of survival in the Pacific | Fox News raises some questions:

"The pair said they thought about turning back, but the islands of Maui and Lanai didn't have harbors deep enough to accommodate their sailboat. At 50 feet long, however, the vessel is relatively small, and both islands have harbors that accommodate boats of that size. Plus, the Big Island — the southernmost island in Hawaii — has several places to dock. Appel, though, said she modified her sailboat, called the Sea Nymph, by adding six tons of fiberglass to the hull to make it thicker and heavier and extend the keel to a depth of 8.5 feet to give the boat greater stability."

First, where the heck could she have added 6 TONS of FG???? But even if she could, wouldn't enough weight to increase the draft about 3' also have raised the waterline about 3'? The boat doesn't look like it's sitting that low in the water. Or maybe it was and all that FG fell off, which could account for all the growth on the side of the hull.

Their story is getting fishier by the day!

At $2.50-$3.00/lb for materials alone, that is $30-36,000!! Into that boat?
This, from foxnews.com Holes emerge in Hawaii women's tale of survival in the Pacific | Fox News raises some questions:

"The pair said they thought about turning back, but the islands of Maui and Lanai didn't have harbors deep enough to accommodate their sailboat. At 50 feet long, however, the vessel is relatively small, and both islands have harbors that accommodate boats of that size. Plus, the Big Island — the southernmost island in Hawaii — has several places to dock. Appel, though, said she modified her sailboat, called the Sea Nymph, by adding six tons of fiberglass to the hull to make it thicker and heavier and extend the keel to a depth of 8.5 feet to give the boat greater stability."

First, where the heck could she have added 6 TONS of FG???? But even if she could, wouldn't enough weight to increase the draft about 3' also have raised the waterline about 3'? The boat doesn't look like it's sitting that low in the water. Or maybe it was and all that FG fell off, which could account for all the growth on the side of the hull.

Their story is getting fishier by the day!

I wonder how much has been misrepresented between the 2 women and the media?

They want to do this trip next year? First they have to find another boat.
Ship Tragedy : Man Cheats Death--on Land, Sea - latimes

I have not been following the story of these two women very closely but as I and others pointed out from the beginning , their story seemed sketchy. The post on the other forum seems to confirm this. We will find out more later, but the idea of pulling a stunt like this for financial gain, if that is what they did, is beyond words.

31 years ago a class mate from CMA was the 2nd on this 170 ft commercial fishing boat that sank. He spent many days in a life raft, and they buried the Captain at sea. No book deals or personal financial gain was obtained by him to my knowledge.
That wasn't the point I was making.

The point was, as I understand it, your friend was not interested in revisiting the event.

These women seem to be intent on reliving it and apparently embellishing the experience for their own benefit.
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I wonder how much has been misrepresented between the 2 women and the media?

That's probably part of it, when you have non boater/sailboat reporters who are listening to her explanation and then trying to put it together into a story. They only twist the story even further.

She often says she "built that boat." Then other times it sounds like she was refitting it? I'm not clear on that at all. But when I read that, I thought she was referring to building the boat, reinforcing the hull and adding six tons of ballast to the keel. which would be typical for a sailboat of that size.

There are any number of accounts from governments of Island nations in both the Caribbean and the south seas who have to deal with so called "vagabond boaters." People who read a Jack London or Hemingway novel about living the carefree tropical lifestyle, living off the land, hopping from island to island on a dilapidated sailboat. Many who arrive unannounced with foreign national crews, no documentation for themselves or their boats, usually in disrepair, no money and on the verge of sinking.

I would think the "Vagabond" tag would fit these two ladies as well.
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This reminds me of the kidnappings that were really she was shacked up with a guy she met for the time.
Well, all I can say is if it gets stolen from there, tell the police it was stolen from there.

I was thinking to tell them, it was taken from the marina parking lot and left at the Asian massage parlor, repeatedly.
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There are any number of accounts from governments of Island nations in both the Caribbean and the south seas who have to deal with so called "vagabond boaters." People who read a Jack London or Hemingway novel about living the carefree tropical lifestyle, living off the land, hopping from island to island on a dilapidated sailboat. Many who arrive unannounced with foreign national crews, no documentation for themselves or their boats, usually in disrepair, no money and on the verge of sinking.

I would think the "Vagabond" tag would fit these two ladies as well.

In Treasure Cay bahamas there is a fairly significant Haitian population living in the woods. I accidentally drove thru it about 6 years ago looking for an inland blue hole. Several wrecked people freighters around.
I suspect most tourists at the top ten beach a mile away had no idea.
This seems a little odd...... If the mast was still in place, and it seems to be from the pictures.....there ought to have been some way they could have gotten some sort of sail rigged. It might not have been perfect...but they had A LOT of time to work on it. PLUS.....they should have had an epirb.....who in their right mind would undertake a 2800 mile journey without an epirb, a back up GPS, multiple VHF systems....a sat phone.....so many things. They had the foresight to bring a years worth of food...but not an epirb ? Ignorance or stupidity.....not sure it matters.....they are very lucky to be alive.

They had an epirb, but the question remains why it wasn't activated? https://www.yahoo.com/gma/sailors-l...emergency-080905434--abc-news-topstories.html
6 tons!!! OMG 12 pickup trucks worth!!! ROTFLMAO:rofl:
As my old boss used to say when he smelled BS: "That's INCREDIBLE!"
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6 tons!!! OMG 12 pickup trucks worth!!! ROTFLMAO:rofl:
As my old boss used to say when he smelled BS: "That's INCREDIBLE!"

They don't even know how to BS. Make up a more plausible story. Don't have all the equipment to help in a rescue. Smear your faces and bodies with something. At least get sun and wrinkled. Sacrifice your partner so she can be dog food and keep the dogs alive. Break an arm or something. Don't look like you just left the beauty shop and don't talk like nothing happened to you. Don't make up stories of what you did to the boat. You're supposed to appear helpless and lost.
They have may already accomplished their goal....maybe not exactly the way they wanted...but they are now way more infamous than millions of other boaters with far more knowledge and talent.

I always said to those who thought I could pull something off from hard work and knowledge....that I have a better chance of breaking out from the pack by driving a jet ski backwards to Bermuda.

I would get my 10 minutes of fame and probably a springboard upward somewhere.
They have may already accomplished their goal....maybe not exactly the way they wanted...but they are now way more infamous than millions of other boaters with far more knowledge and talent.

I always said to those who thought I could pull something off from hard work and knowledge....that I have a better chance of breaking out from the pack by driving a jet ski backwards to Bermuda.

I would get my 10 minutes of fame and probably a springboard upward somewhere.

They've got their fame, but I don't think they'll get their fortune. I think it's all blowing up on them now and don't see any sort of a book deal happening. No one wants to publish a book based on lies. No movie deal for the same reasons. I think they just were not smart enough to pull it off. They'll be in the Hall of Shame.


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I thought there was a new movie in the works about Crowhurst. Wonder what happened to it. I'll have to google. We had "The Strange Last Voyage..." on the bookshelf of our Carver and my wife and I both read it. Next to the DVD White Squall, now there was a depressing movie too. Fascinating and disturbing story.

Why yes, the movie is called "The Mercy" and came out last month. Huh -- never shown here. Well that's disappointing, we were eagerly waiting for that. Teignmouth Electron, still decaying on a beach somewhere as I recall. Poor disturbed guy, stepped off his boat into the deep, or so they think.
I'm not buying this. BS.
The Crowhurst tale could really echo here. What happens if they're discredited by everyone and their tale proven untrue? It could be emotionally devastating. It's one of those, "how do I face anyone" kinds of situations. That's when the fun of the scheme disappears and pain takes over. Then I become sympathetic to them seeing them unable to get out of the jam they put themselves in.
Oh what a tangled web we weave...
They've got their fame, but I don't think they'll get their fortune. I think it's all blowing up on them now and don't see any sort of a book deal happening. No one wants to publish a book based on lies. No movie deal for the same reasons. I think they just were not smart enough to pull it off. They'll be in the Hall of Shame.

It doesnt have to be a legit or admirable future....

Being in the limelight brings all kinds of options.
They've got their fame, but I don't think they'll get their fortune. I think it's all blowing up on them now and don't see any sort of a book deal happening. No one wants to publish a book based on lies. No movie deal for the same reasons. I think they just were not smart enough to pull it off. They'll be in the Hall of Shame.

I wish I had your faith in human nature, or karma.

Let's assume for argument's sake that their story is proven to be full of that which comes out of the north end of a southbound bull.

I think it's very plausible that they start to cry about how unfair they're being treated because of their gender, or orientation, or race, or some such.

The conspiracy theory gains ground (as they all seem to nowadays) and someone starts a go fund me site to buy them a new boat and provisions for their next awesome adventure. They become cult heroes in whatever aggrieved group takes up their cause.

I really hope I'm wrong!
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