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m/v SCOUT is For Sale!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Aug 31, 2017
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Between boats
After 3-1/2 years of full-time cruising and living aboard, we are looking for someone to take the helm of SCOUT and continue the adventure and loving care of this wonderful vessel!

Here is your chance to own a one-of-a-kind Great Harbour N37! This safe, comfortable, customized, self-sufficient N37 requires no work or repairs to begin your cruising adventure! She is just back from the yard with a new coat of bottom paint and running gear coating.

We are asking $355,000 for one of the most upgraded and easily-livable Great Harbour N37's on the market.

SCOUT is currently located in Jacksonville, FL -- just in time for you to start your Great Loop this spring from northern Florida!

All the information you might want is available, along with HUNDREDS of current photos, detailed specifications, and logs at https://boathealer.wixsite.com/mvscoutforsale (best viewed on desktop or laptop computer).


  • ForSalePhoto.jpg
    89.9 KB · Views: 210
Beautiful. I love that engine room. Good luck with the sale. If I was a few more years closer to retirement...
Thank you all for your kind words....:blush:
Stunning boat! Stunning engine room! Stunning upgrades! Stunning presentation! So much storage room! After so much love & and so many $$$ invested, I can't help but think you must be heartbroken to be parting ways with her...
Thank you, Scott. It is difficult :cry:.

Stunning boat! Stunning engine room! Stunning upgrades! Stunning presentation! So much storage room! After so much love & and so many $$$ invested, I can't help but think you must be heartbroken to be parting ways with her...
Love the stalwart lines of her. She’s a pretty boat. Love all the room. Looks like it’s got more room than a 39KK. With the shallow draft, how does she handle in chop and seas?
Anything except 90 degree beam-on is no problem. Of course she rolls a bit, as any 7knot boat would, in large(r) beam seas.

16ft beam, very hard chines, and 50,000lbs helps a lot, though :rolleyes:;)

Love the stalwart lines of her. She’s a pretty boat. Love all the room. Looks like it’s got more room than a 39KK. With the shallow draft, how does she handle in chop and seas?
Are you going to grab another boat? Will miss your Loop/AICW adventures/blogs and Bob423 FB Group posts.
Thanks, Paul. Not sure about what's next yet (kind of feels good). Hopefully we can keep posting boating adventures of some sort.....

Are you going to grab another boat? Will miss your Loop/AICW adventures/blogs and Bob423 FB Group posts.
Beautiful boat. It would not surprise me to see multiple offers above your asking price.
Very astute of you, Mr. Thompson.

We have been absolutely inundated with offers and incentives from all over. It has been absolutely insane. Stressful for us.

Beautiful boat. It would not surprise me to see multiple offers above your asking price.
Under contract ---- pending survey.

Thank you.
Last edited:
No. Not giving up boating.

The two-person household board member that owns 51% of the controlling shares :angel: has voted to move ashore after 3-1/2 years of full-time living aboard.

I'll have to get a weekender of some sort ........

Ray what's next? Surely not giving up boating?
Love the stalwart lines of her. She’s a pretty boat. Love all the room. Looks like it’s got more room than a 39KK. With the shallow draft, how does she handle in chop and seas?

That’s a lot of room in that size. Seems perfect for what I would imagine the great loop would be like. Interesting it’s the same beam as my boat, yet I’m almost 50% longer. Love your engine room too.

Sound like it’s been sold, and the buyer will get a very well maintained boat.
If we were closer to retirement, we'd be driving to the airport after seeing this trawler for sale. Ticks all the boxes for my wife and I. Congrats on the (potential) sale.
Congratulations and condolences on the sale! I hope the rest of the transfer goes smoothly, she's a great boat. I've always admired Scout.

I'm curious about that drop down TV mount. I was just talking yesterday about getting something exactly like that. Was that installed by the factory, or was that an off-the-shelf item that you guys installed?
Hi Dave,

Thank you for your kind words!:smitten: Your writings here have been a great read for us over the last while.

I built the cabinet myself ---- to replace an old, bulky, original one that was already in that location on the boat.

You can see this project our "projects" page here: SCOUT Projects ------- Or click directly to the full gory-detailed writeup here: Drop-down TV Cabinet Project Writeup

Hope this helps some!

Best Regards and Safe Travels!

Congratulations and condolences on the sale! I hope the rest of the transfer goes smoothly, she's a great boat. I've always admired Scout.

I'm curious about that drop down TV mount. I was just talking yesterday about getting something exactly like that. Was that installed by the factory, or was that an off-the-shelf item that you guys installed?
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