door rollers
The door slides under a removable cover. It only opens 19 inches, but the opening is wider with the door removed. The door runs on 4 rollers, called trucks, that have 4 small wheels. To remove the cover you take off the propane locker, if equipped, and remove all the screws. Then use a putty knife to cut any sealant. The screws for the top trucks are visible in the top of the door. The bottom of the door sits in a channel and the trucks are attached to the channel. There are screws in the channel that go through the door with removable nuts on the inside of the door. You have to remove the nuts, and then lift the door out of the channel. Unscrew the trucks from the channel and slide the trucks all the way to the right and remove. In the picture the door is just left of the stairs to the flybridge. The removable panel is on the left. The boarding ladder is sitting in a holder that is attached to the cover.