A reliable head lamp is something I reach for frequently. Even in a well lit engine room, there are lots and lots of dark corners, and I'm usually using at least all four extremities to not fall over.
A Surge leatherman, and it's pocket tips and blades. I've been carry on for 26 year, everyday. When I'm working beside contractors I can usually cut there time by 25-30% as they go for the needed tool in their bag and I quick draw a surge one handed, pop a blade, a saw blade, file or scissors. It does take me a few more seconds to get the right tip. I've left an impression on many contractors.
I'm surprised only one other person said glasses.
Specifically, reading glasses. If I don't have them, none of those other tools will be of any use.
This may be my new favorite tool...I've ordered two. One right hand and one left hand.