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Brigitte Bardot- Harley Davidson - vidéo Dailymotion

Once dubbed 'the most beautiful woman in the world', the France's beloved "Lolita" and pin-up icon of the 50s and 60s Brigitte Bardot (BB) is a style icon not forgotten. She was a French actress, singer and fashion model.

She went on to record a whole string of cult pop songs together including the legendary "Harley Davidson" (recorded at the end of '67). The song went on to become one of the biggest hits of the decade after Brigitte Bardot seduced television audiences on the "Show Bardot," bestriding her Harley Davidson dressed in sexy black leather. The poster image of BB as dream biker chick would grace countless teenage bedrooms across France that year !.

By the 70s, Brigitte Bardot had reached the height of her fame and, some would say, the pinnacle of her beauty. Her iconic status was confirmed when Général de Gaulle chose her to incarnate the French national symbol, Marianne, and her bust appeared in town halls across France. In 1985, Bardot was further honoured when she was awarded the Légion d'honneur.

Now BB devotes all her time and energy to the Brigitte Bardot Foundation which she set up to protect animal rights. This living legend, who has some fifty films and more than eighty songs to her credit, still lives secluded in Saint Tropez, south of France.
One of my Bob Dylan favorites


Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman : "Let's talk about love".
in French "Puisque tu pars", qui est tout un symbole bien approprié.

Music & lyrics by Jean-Jacques Goldman.
Some very nice stuff posted in my absence. A couple of very nice contributions by Steve and Olivier. I liked Dylan doing an almost rock-a-billy number. I was surprised that Celine was singing low harmony to Goldman's great tenor. A beautiful song, indeed.

Sorry to have been distracted, and away from the computer for a few weeks. Relocating both my home and office back to Signal Mountain. Oh, the quietness up here is wonderful. A wild turkey walked through my back yard yesterday. She just sauntered off.

Good to be back.
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Brigitte Bardot- Harley Davidson - vidéo Dailymotion

Once dubbed 'the most beautiful woman in the world', the France's beloved "Lolita" and pin-up icon of the 50s and 60s Brigitte Bardot (BB) is a style icon not forgotten. She was a French actress, singer and fashion model.

She went on to record a whole string of cult pop songs together including the legendary "Harley Davidson" (recorded at the end of '67). The song went on to become one of the biggest hits of the decade after Brigitte Bardot seduced television audiences on the "Show Bardot," bestriding her Harley Davidson dressed in sexy black leather. The poster image of BB as dream biker chick would grace countless teenage bedrooms across France that year !.

By the 70s, Brigitte Bardot had reached the height of her fame and, some would say, the pinnacle of her beauty. Her iconic status was confirmed when Général de Gaulle chose her to incarnate the French national symbol, Marianne, and her bust appeared in town halls across France. In 1985, Bardot was further honoured when she was awarded the Légion d'honneur.

Now BB devotes all her time and energy to the Brigitte Bardot Foundation which she set up to protect animal rights. This living legend, who has some fifty films and more than eighty songs to her credit, still lives secluded in Saint Tropez, south of France.

Oh oui, mon ami. Bridget Bardot, mon idole quand j’étais à seize ans. Cependant, ses talents de chant j’ignorais. :smitten:

PS. Loved the Dixon/Goldman duet, also.
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Oh oui, mon ami. Bridget Bardot, mon idole quand j’étais à seize ans. Cependant, ses talents de chant j’ignorais. :smitten:

PS. Loved the Dixon/Goldman duet, also.

Pierre, toutes ces photos sont seulement pour perfectionner ta culture Française, bien sur... :D

Pic # 1 : Je pense que tu connais bien cette photo, Pierre. J'avais la même aussi (sans le cache)... A l'époque, je n'étais pas intéressé par ses talents de chant aussi, :smitten:.

Pic # 4 : Brigitte Bardot and her husband Gunter Sachs who helped put Saint-Tropez and St Moritz on the jet-set map. He born in 1932 in Mainberg, Germany, he was the scion of two rich industrial families, the car maker Opel on the side of his mother, Eleanor, and the manufacturers of motor parts Fichtel & Sachs on the side of his father, Willy Sachs. Bardot and Sachs married in Las Vegas on 14 July 1966, a highly symbolic date – Bastille Day – for a union between two high-profile celebrities.

Pics # 5 to 8 : Brigitte Bardot's Riva Boat.

Pic # 9 : Brigitte Bardot, Alain Delon and Eric Tabarly in Saint Tropez, France In August, 1968. Eric Tabarly was the father of French off-shore racing and a legendary figure from the moment he beat the British to win the second edition of the single-handed transatlantic Race. He was also a famous French Navy officer. In 1958, Tabarly entered the École Navale, in 1965, he earned his Commandos Marine certification. Tabarly retired from active service in July 1985. He was promoted to Capitaine de Fregate of the naval reserves in August 1988.
In June 1998, he sailed to Scotland, but while in transit in the Irish Sea, the night of 12 to 13 June, a spar threw Tabarly overboard and he drowned. His body was recovered by the trawler An Yvidig on 20 July.


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Oscar Peterson C Jam Blues

How about a little jamming with Oscar Peterson. I was fortunate enough to see one of his late performances at Chastain Park in Atlanta. Truly one of the great jazz piano players.

How about a little jamming with Oscar Peterson. I was fortunate enough to see one of his late performances at Chastain Park in Atlanta. Truly one of the great jazz piano players.

Thank you Don for posting this great piano performance - 9 minutes at this rythm ! - of the "most famous Canadian in the world" as a former Canadian prime minister so-called Oscar Peterson.

In 1989, France made him an Officier de "l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres" (Order of Arts and Letters) which its purpose is the recognition of significant contribution to the arts. On this occasion, the French Minister of Arts and Culture welcomed Oscar Peterson as "The maharajah of the piano jazz".

For Peterson's fans, the full version (1h40) of In the Key of Oscar, the documentary film produced in 1992 by Peterson's niece , it's a must see & listen :

More about Jean-Jacques Goldman, a Grammy Award-winning French singer-songwriter, the most powerful and prosperous man also the most discreet and modest person in the French music's world.

Born in Paris to an immigrant Polish Jewish father and a German Jewish mother, Jean-Jacques Goldman graduated in1973 with a business degree from one of the most famous Business School in Europe in order to take over the family business of sporting goods stores.

But in 1971 he decided to take up a musical career. He quickly makes himself known as a renowned singer, songwriter, and composer. Also he was part of the trio with American singer Carole Fredericks and Welsh singer Michael Jones. The trio had been very successful with a string of hits.

Jean-Jacques Goldman was successful on three fronts :
1- He wrote and sang in French and English, reaping an extraordinary success.

2- Philanthropy : Jean-Jacques Goldman was the leader of the Les Enfoirés charity ensemble from 1986 to 2016. Les Enfoirés is the name given to the singers and performers in the yearly charity concert for the Restaurants du Cœur. The Restaurants du Cœur (literally Restaurants of the Heart but meaning Restaurants of Love), commonly and familiarly known as the Restos du Cœur, is a French charity created in 1985 by Michel Colucci. The main activity of which is to distribute food packages and hot meals to the needy. The association does not only target homeless but also all those with a low or very low income (single families, old people with a low pension, young adults...). Now the association also helps people to find housing and supports other projects. This not-for-profit association has the "reconnu d'utilité publique" (declared of public utility) status. The departmental organizations manage, activate and coordinate activities on the ground with 66,000 volunteers in almost 2,500 Restaurants, which together welcome 600,000 beneficiaries a day...

3- Throughout his brilliant career, Jean-Jacques Goldman has frequently written for other singers, notably Céline Dion. He wrote her album D'eux (released in the US as The French Album), which is the best selling French album in history with 10,000,000 copies sold worldwide...

When he early retired from music scenes, Jean-Jacques then leaved Paris and settled next to where I live. Every morning at 8 o'clock, wearing simple T shirt, jeans & sport shoes, he took his youngest children to school. On September 7th, 2013, Nina, Jean-Jacques 's second elder daughter, married at the city hall of Antibes in the highest possible confidentiality.

Since Jean-Jacques was a lover and rider of big powerful motorbikes as we are too, we got to know him. He is an extremely humble, shy, and very amiable person whose his wife Nathalie - Senior Associate Professor & Doctor of Mathematics - is maybe the best-kept secret in the French show-business world.

In October last year, Jean-Jacques moved with his family to a house in the suburbs of London for family reasons where he turned his back to motorbikes and tennis - he was a top level tennis player-. Discreetly he still write phenomenal songs for the others. His personal code is secrecy, privacy, and an infinite gratitude.

I don't think to betray any secret in saying that years ago Jean-Jacques Goldman developed a very close friendship - I would say a platonic fondly relationship - with Celine Dion, which created a total harmony, a special kind of osmosis, between the songwriter and the singer. Even if I am aware that the following song & the lyrics in English were already posted before, here is a different interpretation. Please listen quietly to the end :

That was the story so far of Jean-Jacques Goldman, an extraordinary and exemplary career with an ordinary life close to ordinary people.

Don, it's a pleasure to see you back in your great thread.
249 Replies with numerous beautiful songs posted, 7324 Views in less than 4 months, it was a bright idea, an undeniable success for you also shared by all participants. You and the other posters made the game as interesting as possible for all. We were delighted to discover many songs & musics which we didn't know.

There is nothing more enjoyable than learning about new cultures especially music, as well sharing here some of the French musical culture, in very cordial and quiet exchanges, nice and pleasant talks what did contribute to current well-being of the forum. It was important to emphasize this, since it is not indeed always the case.

Best wishes for the moving in your new place.

Olivier & Pilou.
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Thank you ever so much, Olivier & Pilou. It has been a distinct privilege to have your participation. The window into the French culture has been extremely enlightening. I can't help but feel a deep connection to France, as we left so many of our local "boys" on French soil. You see Patton's 30th Division was made up of part time soldiers, that is National Guard troops, that were activated from around our tristate area. The French were so appreciative, and honored our "boys" over and over. Hitler called the 30th Patton's SS.

So many of our citizen's have forgotten. Thankfully, the French, Belgians, and Dutch have not. I will do another post about that.
Back to Oscar Peterson. He certainly loved Canada. I saw him perform some from his Canadiana Suite.
How about these guys, RIP Roy.

Jack Johnson, Mark Knofler, Dido, Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffet. ..

That's an interesting list, Turner. Why don't you post some youtube links to some of your favorites?
Haven't quite figured out how to attach a utube video to the trawler forum....
Haven't quite figured out how to attach a utube video to the trawler forum....

It's easy to do. Just pull up the youtube video in another window. High lite the URL in your browser line at the top.Right click and click on copy. Open up your window to post on the forum. Click on paste. The link will magically appear. When you post it, it should show as a youtube video on the screen.

I hope this is clear to you. Good luck. I am looking forward to seeing your favorite stuff from a couple of my favorite artists.
Thank you ever so much, Olivier & Pilou. It has been a distinct privilege to have your participation. The window into the French culture has been extremely enlightening. I can't help but feel a deep connection to France, as we left so many of our local "boys" on French soil. You see Patton's 30th Division was made up of part time soldiers, that is National Guard troops, that were activated from around our tristate area. The French were so appreciative, and honored our "boys" over and over. Hitler called the 30th Patton's SS.

So many of our citizen's have forgotten. Thankfully, the French, Belgians, and Dutch have not. I will do another post about that.

Warm thanks, Don.

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I love hearing some of the "amateur" talent that most of us would never have heard of before YouTube. For anyone who likes classic rock, these folks from Lexington, KY are pretty amazing. They can cover anybody and their musicianship and production values are top notch. The lead guitarist (wearing the ballcap in the Huey Lewis clip) is a friend.
Good band, Ian. I love local and regional talent such as the Blue Dogs over in the Carolinas.

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Sorry, I just can't wait any longer to see this one!

Thanks, Steve. I think she has a new fan here.:socool:
Good band, Ian. I love local and regional talent such as the Blue Dogs over in the Carolinas.

Sweet, Don. It's a treat when local talent is good enough to attract the big names to sit in.
Here's some Creedence Clearwater Revivial:

And another of my favorites by CCR:
"Thumbs up, listened to the song hundreds of times, never saw the video......
Mentioning CCR made me think of John Fogerty and Center Field. So in honor of John Fogerty and the many songs he has given us and the start of America's past time, baseball season. here is his baseball song.

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