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Feb 16, 2024
this is my first post. just picked up a Grand Banks 32 1971 woodie. I'm sure to have lots of questions. Parting with my AlbinFC 27.

Bernie in Damariscotta Maine
this is my first post. just picked up a Grand Banks 32 1971 woodie. I'm sure to have lots of questions. Parting with my AlbinFC 27.

Bernie in Damariscotta Maine

Welcome to the TF, Capt. Bernie, and hearty congratulations on your new-to-you GB 32. A proper yacht that will keep you off the streets and out of trouble - at least, legal trouble. As to financial consequences, well . . . it's a boat. Enough said! Hoping to see a photo or two.
Welcome to TF, a huge congratulations on your purchase of a fine boat, love the Grand Banks!
Welcome aboard and a GB is indeed a great boat. Happy sailing.
Welcome to TF, and congratulations on your purchase!
Welcome! Please post some pics, we love to see pics...
Welcome aboard TF and congrats on the GB
I just signed the lease on a house in New Hbr for another Sept vacation in your area.
Congratulations. We have had GB32-277 1972 since 1998. They are sturdy and reliable boats.

Poco A Poco
Seattle, WA
this is my first post. just picked up a Grand Banks 32 1971 woodie. I'm sure to have lots of questions. Parting with my AlbinFC 27.

Bernie in Damariscotta Maine

Welcome aboard. You have a good boat !!
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