New "trawler" in neighborhood...

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Jun 27, 2013
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I got up this morning and as per my usual routine I was out on the deck brushing my teeth checking out whats going on out on the water and checking the weather.... and this new "trawler" passed right in front of the house...

I saw it up closer and thru less fog as I drove to work. I was anchored in front of a buddy of mines home (it isnt his boat, they just chose to stop in front of his place for some reason...)

Maybe its the next trend in trawlers???

its as odd looking in life as it is on youtube... not that its not nice mind you.. but it is different looking!
Jen and I thought about having a boat like that built, then we thought it'd just be too showy for us. We'll somehow manage in our Owens.
I thought I told my captain K'yarkvo ,not Ketchikan!!! :banghead::banghead:
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yeah... its ALMOST as nice as my Nimbus, but not quite....
But with 24000 installed HP is she still a trawler? Top speed is about 23 knots, and her range is trawlerish at 6500 miles at 19.5 knots........

more numbers....Fuel capacity 757,000 litres, twin 440HP bow thrusters, 3 960KW generators plus one 440KW generator, potable water 96,000 litres, ballast water 579,000 litres....and a bunch of other stuff...
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But with 24000 installed HP is she still a trawler? Top speed is about 23 knots, and her range is trawlerish at 6500 miles at 19.5 knots........

How close is that to her theoretical hull speed Tad? Me thinks it may be well below considering her waterline length.
Doubt it will fit in a 44-foot berth. What's her speed at 1.5 GPH? ... Three crew for every passenger if filled to capacity. Must have fantastic service. On cruise ships it's typically one crew for every two passengers. ... Betcha it's all the booze you want and at no charge! ... I'm not being sarcastic, but the guests must be treated royally. ... Good for its owner!
How close is that to her theoretical hull speed Tad? Me thinks it may be well below considering her waterline length.

I'd have to search around to find a waterline length but I believe her length is about 100 metres or 330'ish?. That's a unity (S/L =1) speed of about 18 knots, and S/L = 1.34(hull speed for many boats) of around 24 knots. Displacement/length ratio affects "hull speed" I need a calculator. Technically these things are interesting.......

Erk...just found some numbers, LOA 119m, LWL 118.2m, beam 18.87m, draft 5.15m, and GRT = 5,959 tons. Probably just under 6000 tons for regulatory purposes....
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I shared the Welland Canal on Thursday with this 140' baby ... She looks great but the skipper had a helluva time not dragging her ass along the wall as he exited each lock and could not keep her running in a straight line. I don't know if it was a bad skipper or a bad boat but he came close to doing damage several times. Her name is "BREAD" out of Marshall Islands and she is currently up for sale for $12.5 million.


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Nice to see you remember us.

I was just talking about weird boats in AK.
I read a crazy story concerning that yacht. It seems he wasn't pleased with his paint job and launched a law suit against the owners of awl grip. If I remember, it involved a stupid amount of money, spanned continents and involved lots and lots of lawyers that only a Russian billionaire could afford.
Suing the manufacture for botching the paint job, FOR 100 MILLION !!!

Suing the manufacture for botching the paint job, FOR 100 MILLION !!!


Did you forget all the pain and suffering he was exposed to? :)

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Trawler
This one showed up at the Palmer Johnson docks in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin about two weeks ago. The new tri-hull Super Sport series...think it's the 48M class...carbon fiber hull...yikes..

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The "A" was anchored in Bellingham Bay today. A friend on our dock circled it on his way back in and checked it out. The shore boat he saw in the water beside it was some 30 feet long. One of the hull's "hangar" doors was open and he said it was full of toys-- jet skis, fishing boats, etc.

At a restaurant tonight we learned from our waitress that the Russian owner had flown into Bellingham airport today in his 747 biz jet and been helicoptered out to the boat, upon which the boat up-anchored and took off. I had intended to shoot some photos of it from our boat but when I went to do that the "A" was gone. So I had to settle for a shot off the web.

I actually quite like the design. With its reverse-raked stem it looks like a 21st century interpretation of a WWI battle cruiser.


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"A" spent last summer here in New Zealand - mostly Auckland.

We had a storm come through with hurricane force winds and she rode it out at anchor in the centre of Auckland harbour - exposed to the easterly wind and 2-3 m waves.

I understand that this was at the request of the harbour-master, as he was concerned for the survival of the wharf to which she was tied up.
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