North West Passage

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Newsflash fuel north of Maine. When you use the gas stations function on google maps, it shows several places on the Greenland coast , and a few on Baffin Island, including one right at the top, the start of the NWP. I hope the guy who didnt know, and didnt believe me, will check that out, and admit I wasnt lying about it.
Why are you fixated on getting fuel north of Maine, if your boat has a range of 4000 nm?

Is it because you planning of leaving from your home in Niagara Falls or the Dominican Republic?



Im not...fixated, but am proving to the guy who didnt belive there was any , that there is. I had asked any of you guys to corroborate it, but none of you did. Are you surprised that he didnt know?
Here is the magical 900 mile number that you are foolishly clinging too. I am very sure you can not get fuel at the start or end of that line, so the number is useless.
David should thank you for doing his homework for him. He has confirmed you measured correctly. Has no idea if it's a feasible route, but the distance between the two end points is indeed 900 miles
Im not...fixated, but am proving to the guy who didnt belive there was any , that there is. I had asked any of you guys to corroborate it, but none of you did. Are you surprised that he didnt know?
You created a paper tiger David. No one said that. You jumped off a cliff to an outrageous conclusion and have been grasping for a parachute to prove yourself right ever since.
Are you the guy who said he didnt know if you could get fuel north of Maine, and didnt believe me when I said you could? Its a yes/no question. I couldnt even understand your message.

Absolutely not. I know about fueling in Greenland.

You know you can go back and look for who said what, but I know you don't like to do much yourself so I helped you..... but it didn't seem to help anyway and you will make up anything to sound right or move on or distract.

You don't understand much here and now I am done. I probably offered as much info with some actual experience and still you bite the hand that feeds.

I can only hope from now on, NO ONE responds to or even refers to your posts.
Absolutely not. I know about fueling in Greenland.

You know you can go back and look for who said what, but I know you don't like to do much yourself so I helped you..... but it didn't seem to help anyway and you will make up anything to sound right or move on or distract.

You don't understand much here and now I am done. I probably offered as much info with some actual experience and still you bite the hand that feeds.

I can only hope from now on, NO ONE responds to or even refers to your posts.

OK, maybe it was another guy who said he didnt know there was fuel north of Maine, and said he didnt believe me when i told him there was. I didnt keep track of his name. Glad it wasnt you.
It's surprising that a Northwest Passage trip would entail any bother --that is certainly offputting. Seems like high-latitude voyages should be smoother and simpler.

But even he says that if there is a lot of burocratic hassle from various Canadian agencies, (and even eskimos tribes!), we shouldnt even bother.

Timeline is open, but as isaid , if the burocracy is too onerous, like 30 or 40 permits, we wouldnt even bother. Butvnobody here is up to date on that.

I had said we would blow off the whoke place if too onerous for any reason, especially 30 to 40 permits/licences.

I asked, nobody is up to date this dont know if that 30-40 permits is correct. And sure it matters since if true , we wont even bother.

Indeed, I wonder how many do slip thru. In any case, we probably wont even bother.

The reason we probably wont do this trip is NOT fear of bears....but because of hassle by snivveling burocrats.

But since we're old and loathe burocracy, piracy etc...we probably wont bother…

... we'll likely call it off since canada wil try to shake us down .

... But after researching a lot , looks like we might not bother.
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Who would have expected that a Northwest Passage trip would entail any bother? That is certainly offputting. Seems like high-latitude voyages should be smooth and simple, doesn't it :confused:

My OP asked about the 30-40 various permits /licences that I had read about. Lots of serious interlocutors sent in valuable sites/sources, confirming what we were finding out about. And I thanked them. Then I even submitted an article about a trip from Greenland to the north of Norway, with way less hassle than the canadian gov tries to subject boaters to. Too bad so many guys started trolling , right? Once I recognize those guys, I blow them off.
Absolutely right. Wise of you to blow them off.

Thanks, one guy said theyre basically pretending to be really stupid, in order to bait people, to get a reaction because that type get a sort of dopamine kick from such activities, even though the mocking they get should humiliate them. Its common in internet groups. But when a member is new, you cant tell if theyre really that dumb at first. Imagine , one of them even tried to say he didnt know if you could get fuel north of Maine! I mean, how dumb is that!
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True. But it becomes apparent relatively soon.

Not so easy considering there are so many dumb people out there. In a boating group youd think there would becmostly serious interlocutors....guess trolls invade this subject too, not just political groups. Ironically though, when Ihad put them on the spot before....I got banned for acmonth, not them.
Newsflash fuel north of Maine. When you use the gas stations function on google maps, it shows several places on the Greenland coast , and a few on Baffin Island, including one right at the top, the start of the NWP. I hope the guy who didnt know, and didnt believe me, will check that out, and admit I wasnt lying about it.

How can you get fuel on Baffin Island if you aren't going to set foot in Canada ?

There's a great book called "North To the Night" by Alvah Simon. He was very prepared and did all sorts of research and still got trapped by the ice and over-wintered in his boat trying to ration his food and fuel. The pressure, darkness and lonliness take a real toll on him. It really is a good read if anyone is interested.
How can you get fuel on Baffin Island if you aren't going to set foot in Canada ?

There's a great book called "North To the Night" by Alvah Simon. He was very prepared and did all sorts of research and still got trapped by the ice and over-wintered in his boat trying to ration his food and fuel. The pressure, darkness and lonliness take a real toll on him. It really is a good read if anyone is interested.

IF we did the trip, as the NZ boat did...just ignoring the canadians......we would simply top up on the other side in Greenland, thus there would be noneed to stop in Canada at all, just stay in international waters. But research is putting us off even bothering. There are freer, more welcoming places. Life is too short for such burocratic hassle and stress.
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HScenario: youre on your boat and the huge bear is sticking its head thru the open porthole. You get to use the speargun of your choice to shoot it in the mouth, or eye. Do you think you would win, like the australian kid? Now, in real life there would be four of us, with the best spearguns we could get and train on.

Nobody has answered because nobody cares.
I knew I'd seen his avatar before.


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Nobody has answered because nobody cares.

I asked one guy, the expert with 8 spearguns. And heres another guy who should care, the guy whosaid we shouldnt make the trip because of bear danger. Do you think he should be interested, or was he just trolling, like so many others here?
:popcorn: How about renaming the thread "Back Passage". Then it might disappear up it.
He doesn’t even realize he’s getting trolled back.
Hard to argue a given point to point distance, no matter how useless it is in least from my view of navigation and voyage planning.

Maybe we will be told why the length of one "Northwest passage route", from no particular place to no particular place is so important to keep arguing about it.

He just keeps arguing with himself, even when we stop....
IF we did the trip, as the NZ boat did...just ignoring the canadians......we would simply top up on the other side in Greenland, thus there would be noneed to stop in Canada at all, just stay in international waters. But research is putting us off even bothering. There are freer, more welcoming places. Life is too short for such burocratic hassle and stress.

Thank you. This is the first hard fact or data point you've provided. So you are planning on traveling east......where do you think your last place to get fuel in the US is ?
Well here is a Tony Fleming video, a bit long but definitely interesting of his and his wife's trip on a Russian nuclear ice breaker to the North Pole. The conclusion I came to was a) this journey must have cost a fortune b) I don't think I'd get much sleep with all the noise. This video is from 2005:

hollywood....since you have 8 spearguns you have to know there are various kinds, various power, and some that are safely fired on land(you might also know about that incident where an australian kid shot his speargun into the mouth of a huge white shark trying to eat him....the kid won). Scenario: Youre on your boat and the huge bear is sticking its head thru the open porthole. You get to use the speargun of your choice to shoot it in the mouth, or eye. Do you think you would win, like the australian kid? Now, in real life there would be four of us, with the best spearguns we could get and train on.


Future NW Passage Skipper


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amusing thread.

I am reminded of Marin
Marin’s dog could navigate the Northwest Passage with ease.
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