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For Sale: Northern lights 5 kw parts

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Should I sell this for parts or whole?

  • Parts

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Whole

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Gabe n Em

Jan 13, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2001 PDQ MV 32
I've got a low hours, non running 5kw northern lights. It's in my office and I'm leaving for 5 weeks on Thursday. When I get back, do you want to buy a part, or the whole thing? I'd love to sell it whole to somebody mechanically inclined, but if there's only interest in parts, then parts it is.

Here's what I can tell you: I put new rings in it and it still has low compression in #3. #2 cyl isn't great, but if 3 was the same, it would be running. The fuel pump is pumping, it's got new injectors ( and a set of old ones). The head was recently machined by a well regarded local shop (Simplex).

The head is still off of it. I painted a bunch of the bits while I had it apart and she looks pretty good. If I had a shop to lay it all out in, I'd be doing it myself. The juice just ain't worth the squeeze for me though. In the end, it's more electricity (and weight) than we need. Even if I got it running, I'd flip it for one of the 3.5kw generators out there.
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I've got one vote for parting it out.

Anyone else? Anyone want the whole thing???
I have a good running 5kw northern lights with a dead electrical end. We should get them together.
Sound enclosure?
"Parts" it is!

Let me know what you want, I'll put it aside for you. I'll get a parts list up when I get back. Should be around the end of March.

Ok, I'm back on dry land!

The oil pan and mounts are going out the door this week. Otherwise, I've got just about everything. Make an offer on whatever you need. Here are a couple quick photos I took. Local pickup preferred, but not required


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I've got, in good condition (OK, some might need paint)

- Fw pump
- Raw water pump
- 3 old injectors(need servicing)
- 3 NEW injectors (about 20 mins run time)
- Stop solenoid
- Belt cover
- glow plugs (3)
- oil pan
- fuel pump ("Lift" pump)
- high pressure fuel pump
- Little tiny alternator
- Fuel filter mount
- Heat exchanger/ exhaust manifold
- Head with low hours (<5) since machining!
- Block (spare anchor?)
- Pistons with new rings (20 mins run time)

I'm calling the generator end "scrap" but I'm not positive. If you want a crack at it, it's all yours for $20 (+shipping). Other prices to follow, but feel free to make an offer in the meantime!
OK, updated list, with product numbers and pricing! Feel free to make an offer or ask about anything you dont see.

Starter motor 185086321 $180 (New: $294)

Oil Pan 110706770 $100 (New: $166)

Head Assembly 111016951 $1,000 (New $1600)

Thermostat 145206062 $15 (New: $23)

Exhaust manifold, with tubestack "HX element", and rubber bits 135606160, 20-12003 and others $1,000 (New, over $2,000)

Raw water pump 25-12007 $300 (new: $427)

Coolant pump 145016860 $180 (New: $251)

Alternator 185046210 $200 (New: $349)

Injection pump 131017390 $700 (New:$1,036)

Injectors (3 with less than 1 hour of run time) 131406350 $300 for all three (New: $444)

Injectors (3 old ones needing rebuild) $50 for all three

Fuel feed pump 130506140 $100 (New:$187)

Fuel Filter Assy 130306190 $60 (New $120)

Belt Guard 00-18301 $30 (New: $78)

Series 1 panel 22-92110 $230 (New $363)

Series 1B panel 22-92120 $200 (New $307).

Come and get it! If you need a photo of a specific item, just ask. In good faith: I believe all items work (except the old injectors), but I make no guarantees/ warrantees.


New pricing: 10% off everything!
Bump! Oil pan and belt guard are also sold!

Pricing is now 20% off of post #11 amounts. Or best offer....
I don’t get it, Gabe. I’m in need of a Lugger engine for a 5KW but your comments regarding the low compression AFTER installing new rings and a freshly machined head have me scratching my head. My engine is locked up but my windings are new. I was hoping to find what I needed to replace the Lugger but it sounds like I’d be just trading my problems for a fresh set of others.

I hear that for you this just ain’t worth the trouble, but a set of honed cylinders with new (proper) rings and a freshened up head should have given you some pretty good cylinder pressure with a little oil on the cylinder walls. I’m puzzled.

Still might buy some of the other stuff though. Good luck with it.
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I know. I needed to dive in with both feet and I just didn't get quite deep enough. I needed to bore the cylinders, instead of trying to hone them but I didn't want to deal with the timing so I honed them while the crank was still in by removing the oil pan to get the pistons out.

It had low compression on #3 and the #2 had less than perfect compression. It was just from sitting and salt air, the top of the cylinders are a little wider. Not much, but just enough.

If you know a machinist and are willing to deal with the timing, this might get you there. I've still got the head, and the block and pistons are still assembled. The oil pan is gone though and all of the electrical end.

What's up with yours? From one armchair mechanic to another, it sounds like you need to pull the head, spray some pb blaster on the cylinders, let it soak, and hope for a minor miracle?
Been soaking in diesel fuel while I’ve been in the NC mountains cooling off for a couple weeks. Just got back this evening to return a rental car so I’ll check to see if she broke loose tomorrow. Didn’t start it for two years but can’t figure how water got in. Raw water thru-hull was blocked, did’t crank it at all and have a good angle on exhaust with flap at the end. Duh!?
Huh. Maybe water sloshed backwards from the muffler?

After not using it for two years, do you really need it? That's what we're wrestling with right now.
Sure do. Shoot me a pm with your email or phone number.

Ok, I'm sick of looking at all these bits on the shelf. Make me some offers, let's get this thing gone!
Gabe, can you post pics of the two panels?

Sure can!


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Do you have the wiring harness from the generator to the panel? Do those panels have the round 6 pin plug on the back?
Hi Grupet,
I think so. I'll check later today...

Sorry for the delay, I just responded. I'll send you my phone number...

What about crank pulley and nut? Still have it. I’m still trying to unlock mine and I’ve really put the some torque on that nut.
Sure do. I'll try to rip it off of there later today. If I dont get into a bind (HA!) I'll send it off to you. Send me a PM with your address.

Gabe: I finally got the head off mine (10 hours) and am getting a look at other things I might need to collect for spares. Send me a PM of your list when you get a chance. Thanks in advance.
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