Northern Lights Lugger fuel injection pump timing

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Jun 19, 2017
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Grand Alaskan 60
We had a leak around our fuel injection pump gasket, we need to remove the pump and replace the gasket, However we need to determine the timing sequence to the pump. There is no online info regarding our 8 kw Northern lights generator. Does anyone know how to determine the timing?

Wade Cordy M/V Synergy
Does this have the 3 cylinder Shibaura engine like in the picture? If so, are you just removing the pump plate which contains all three pumps? You don't need to time the pump if you are just removing that assembly to replace the gasket. You do however have to carefully remove the linkage from the governor without dropping the pin an circlip down into the crankcase. Just remove all the fuel lines and remove the 4 nuts holding the pump in place. Remove the linkage pin and the entire pump will lift out. Give the Northern Lights folks a call, they are very helpful with these sorts of things. I recently took mine off on a 5kw generator but it has a similar engine and it wasn't that big of a job.

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