Oil Change System

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I love oil change pumps, but one caution to avoid a little scare I had.

I was regularly taking oil samples at oil change time, using the pump to draw out oil, and after the flow was good an steady, I'd divert some into the oil sample container.

Well, I was getting unusually high copper levels back from the oil sample reports. At first they said it was just break in as the engines had less than 200 hrs on them. But it continued and I started to get concerned.

Then it finally occurred to me that I had bronze gears in the oil pump, and was likely getting contamination from them. I took the next sample drawn directly from the oil pan (the way you are supposed to do it, I should add :facepalm:) and the analysis came back perfect.

So don't use your change pump to take oil samples.

I've been sampling oil in exactly the same way and I did realize that the oil change pump could add materials to the oil. So far it hasn't (samples have been great) but I bought a hand operated oil sample pump anyway.

Hi Gordon,
I'm in the process of installing an oil change system for my Yanmar 4BY2-180, KMH40A Gearbox and Westerbeke 5.0BCDE Genset. Can you advise as to adapters from engines to the system?


Can you advise on drain plug adapters/valves for Yanmar?

I have cummins. I don't know the adaptor size. It was on the boat when i purchased. It does have a stopcock on the oil pans. It appears to be about 5/16, but that is just a guess.

I have an oil extraction system I devised and sold for a while in the 80's.

I'm on the boat so can not get a picture till I get home.

It's a propane tank with a small compressor mounted to the top of it. The type of compressor used for air brushing. The tanks valve is taken out and a machined fitting with a dip tube and a second port is screwed into the top of the tank.

The engine and generator have hoses plumbed to the oil pans, which is connected to the hose coming out of the propane tanks dip tube. The compressor is connected to the second port at the top. When the compressor is turned on, vacuum is created inside the tank and sucks the oil out of the pan, through the hoses into the tank via dip tube.

To empty the tank, the compressor connections are reversed, compressor turned on and the top of the tank gets pressurized, which forces the oil up through the dip tube and out the hose.

Since most of the work in the engine room is done with suction, there is no drips, spills etc.

This system is a motorized version of the hand operated oil extractors like the Topside and MityVac which work using vacuum.

I use this oil extractor to remove oil from my home standby generator, boat transmission, boat hydraulic steering and automotive use in addition to the boat engine and generator.
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I have a Cherubini Independence 50 and am searching and searching to find the correct replacement impeller for my 3-port oil x-change-r (model 946-d). Do you know which impeller fits that pump? Sailor exchange didn't;t know the part # and was out of them for the time being, and the existing impeller is so torn up that it's hard to gauge.
Reverso drain for engines and gen. Refill with funnel. Makes oil changes quick, clean and easy. The tranies are only one gallon each so vacuum out dipstick hole with 12v pump and refill with funnel.

What type of hoses are used and what is their lifespan? Expect they would leak slowly rather than burst as they are not under pessure while cruising.
We prefer a simple setup so found a rotary drum pump at a tag sale .

Since the oil is hot and thin the pump handles it just fine.

The pickup tube was extended with a hose , and it, and the pump suction line were fitted with hyd quick disconnect fittings .

The engine is sealed , and the pump hose does not drip .

5 gal pails ( 4 gal filled) with the lid still in place makes moving the old oil to the local dump location easy.
An easy way to take a clean oil sample is a valve and hose on an oil gallery. Most engines have an oil gallery cast in the side of the block with several plugged ports. If no spare ports, add a tee where the oil sending unit is. Adding a valve, a short hose, and you can take samples with the engine running.
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