On our way to Alaska

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Greetings Dave, Had lunch with Jay (Westerly) ..

Apparently missed the AkProf whom I have not met but Jan mentioned his being close by. I am awaiting Ken on the Hat Trick who I believe is close.

Regards to all, safe travels



You didn't miss me, I'll be there the nights of 10 and 11.

Hoping for the Yacht Club, but they don't commit in advance.

Currently luxuriating in what passes for sunshine in Prince Rupert.

Met Westerly in Coffman Cove a few night ago. Currently in Whale Pass visiting friends, which is a good thing since Clarence is been nothing but cantankerous. Will head to Barnoff in a few days. Actually have sunshine today.

I'm at the Yacht Club! Tonight and tomorrow. Come on down for an invigorating beverage.

Well. No Al.

Two days in Misty Fjords. Its like driving your boat through Yosemite... except Yosemite lacks racing porpoises, breaching humpbacks and orcas which swim up to inspect your boat.

Wrangell tonight

Some day, some day.

I'm at the Yacht Club! Tonight and tomorrow. Come on down for an invigorating beverage.


Danm!! :banghead: I was away from my computer and having no notice by email, had no idea you had arrived. It is now the 13th and am assuming you have departed.]
For the record my cell phone # 907 617=0710. Give me a hootie on the way back if you would. Love to meet and greet.

Same for the "Hat Trick" I know he has or is in the area, but unless I hear, I am out of any loop.

Okay, you're forgiven. Next KTN port call is a pax stop on August 11. Hope to see you then. I have stored your phone #.

Hatt Trick is not far behind me.
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Danm!! :banghead: I was away from my computer and having no notice by email, had no idea you had arrived. It is now the 13th and am assuming you have departed.]
For the record my cell phone # 907 617=0710. Give me a hootie on the way back if you would. Love to meet and greet.

Same for the "Hat Trick" I know he has or is in the area, but unless I hear, I am out of any loop.


Al, we are in Rainy Rupert. Looking to cross Dixon tomorrow to Foggy Bay and then up to Ketchikan Saturday, 6/16. We'll be there a few days and I'll contact you. :thumb:
Ken Hatt Trick
Al, we are in Rainy Rupert. Looking to cross Dixon tomorrow to Foggy Bay and then up to Ketchikan Saturday, 6/16. We'll be there a few days and I'll contact you. :thumb:
Ken Hatt Trick

Right on! Have dinner engagement Saturday, open after- A:flowers:
Right on! Have dinner engagement Saturday, open after- A:flowers:

Ken, Hope you receive this. Westerly is blowing strong. I suspect that crossing the open water near or above Dundes Isl will be snotty. anytime after 10 AM.
You may want to take a peek at closing up towards Port Simpson and sneaking across Portland Channel, and holding till evening to work around Tree Point into Foggy Bay. Just a thought
Hrummmmph!! The foursome still up a creek without a paddle?:whistling::hide:

Well we made it up the river. Needed that paddle as it got very very shallow. Read post.....:flowers::thumb::dance:
Pax stop in Juneau tonight.

Ran up from Taku Harbor this morning. Whole length of Gastineau Channel in zero-zero fog.
We left Taku Harbor at 8 AM this morning and entered Gastineau into pea soup fog too for about 30 minutes. Standard conditions for much of AK. Now we are at dock with AC on. It is pushing 80F this afternoon. What a great area, especially with nearly 18 hours of sunshine
Wicked tides and currents here this week.

Took four tries to make the fuel dock, which is exposed on the main channel. Finally worked backing upstream and upwind. Held it in position with power til secured.
Great day in K-Town. Tom and Mrs Brady on "Silver Bay" drifted in. Able to say hello and renew acquaintance. Ken Ehlers on "Hat Trick" came in the other day and we met to press the flesh. Having lunch tomorrow. Ken offered to be 'Shanghaied' to assist me with removal of my OB "Git-A-Home" Thanks, I had the two young lads from the dealership remove and deliver to the shop. Thanks Ken.
Always good to meet and greet forum travelers passing through.
Al are you recruiting for new Ketch residents??? LOL

Tom, I'd say Al is doing a great job on Ketchikan recruiting. ..he brought some Alaska Amber down to the boat after we arrived. I bet that tugs at your heart strings, and Crusty Chief's too!
Sunny Sitka

Two days of good weather have us doing touristy thing around town.


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Glacier Bay, got four day permit.

Then the long offshore haul to Cordova.
Be very interested in your track up the coast to PWS. Smooth seas
Be very interested in your track up the coast to PWS. Smooth seas

It should be there: share.garmin.com/williambutler3

44 hours from Elfin Cove to Hinchinbrook Entrance. Not sure I'd do it again...no...wait. I have to do it again, in about two weeks!

Very docile beginning and end, but there was 15 hours overnight in following seas compounded by countervailing winds requiring constant hand-steering and reduced speed. Not fun very glad there were three of us.

Headed to Cordova right now for fuel; will report later.

Wide-spread cell coverage here in the Sound, who knew?
It should be there: share.garmin.com/williambutler3

44 hours from Elfin Cove to Hinchinbrook Entrance. Not sure I'd do it again...no...wait. I have to do it again, in about two weeks!

Very docile beginning and end, but there was 15 hours overnight in following seas compounded by countervailing winds requiring constant hand-steering and reduced speed. Not fun very glad there were three of us.

Headed to Cordova right now for fuel; will report later.

Wide-spread cell coverage here in the Sound, who knew?

Cordova is a cute little town.

Are you heading west towards Seward?
Seward = Yes.

Lots of reasons. Former colleague has arranged moorage, repair (head,no panic, I have another).

Also have social engagements in ANC.

Will cross to Resurrection Bay n 7/1 if weather permits.

See you?

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