Our Helmsman 43E

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All very helpful - I have added to reverse cycle units to our build. Did you do anything different with your Genset or Shore Power to accommodate the RC units?
Standard shore power is two legs of 30 amps each I think, but I have always run one 30 and still been able to run the rc. The gen is a 6kw and it also is plenty to run the pilot house rc, which is the biggest unit on the boat. Don’t think I can run all three rc units at once unless I’m on both shore power circuits. Have t gotten around to my load analysis yet to figure out which things I can run together.
Standard shore power is two legs of 30 amps each I think, but I have always run one 30 and still been able to run the rc. The gen is a 6kw and it also is plenty to run the pilot house rc, which is the biggest unit on the boat. Don’t think I can run all three rc units at once unless I’m on both shore power circuits. Have t gotten around to my load analysis yet to figure out which things I can run together.
Thanks Scott - I have the two 30's as well and have spec'd a 6KW Genset. I have opted for two 16KBTU RC units. The only other real draw on the Gen (or shore) will be the water heater. Everything else I have spec'd can run off of the House Batt's - max draw on the RC units appears to be 15.7A each at start up. Max draw on the 13KBTU RC's appears to be 11A. Perhaps worth a convo with the Helker's to determine if we place the RC units on their own circuit (which I imagine is what they would do anyway). Thanks - very helpful.
The two RC’s are best split between the two 30 amp feeds (7,200 watts) On my 38e, the induction stove, salon rc, and one other smaller draw are on SP2. Most of yeast coast boats have a 6kw gennie. I have had to power manage occasionally but not very often. There is one Helmsman 43e with a 50 amp feed with three TV’s at Bay Bridge Marina (Chesapeake). It has a larger gennie (9 kw) too. He does not have an isolation transformer. At the time it was built, sourcing one was a problem. His boat doesn’t deal with power management issues. If I had it to do over, I would go with 50 amp (12,000 watts).
The two RC’s are best split between the two 30 amp feeds (7,200 watts) On my 38e, the induction stove, salon rc, and one other smaller draw are on SP2. Most of yeast coast boats have a 6kw gennie. I have had to power manage occasionally but not very often. There is one Helmsman 43e with a 50 amp feed with three TV’s at Bay Bridge Marina (Chesapeake). It has a larger gennie (9 kw) too. He does not have an isolation transformer. At the time it was built, sourcing one was a problem. His boat doesn’t deal with power management issues. If I had it to do over, I would go with 50 amp (12,000 watts).
Thanks - this is helpful info. We will not have an induction stove - really, the only other major 120 draw will be the water heater - we should be OK with the two 30amp circuits - but will definitely consult on weather a 50 may be a better/appropriate approach. Many thanks.
KMAL, one thing I’d change if I had the chance to build it all from new is moving the cabinet that sits above the forward head sink. It’s handy to have the storage, but inhibits access to the sink. Makes brushing teeth a challenge. Maybe building a cabinet on the shelf above the toilet?
KMAL, one thing I’d change if I had the chance to build it all from new is moving the cabinet that sits above the forward head sink. It’s handy to have the storage, but inhibits access to the sink. Makes brushing teeth a challenge. Maybe building a cabinet on the shelf above the toilet?
Thanks Scott - will give this some attention!
Another item that is all on me is the different setups on the fly bridge and the helm. The autopilot panel is in different relative position from the MFD on each. Adds a second to my effort to take it off autopilot. Unlikely to ever cause an issue, but if and when I spec the 46 I’ll try and standardize the layout more.
I would think if you are specifying lithium batteries you would want a larger genset to charge the batteries faster. In my case with a 15kw generator I have both the inverter charging the battery as well as two desperate chargers to allow for much faster charging and hence less genset usage. I don’t have solar. Are newly commissioned Helmsman boats going with lithium, and if not why? And solar? If so, where would they mount the solar and how much solar can be placed?
I believe Helmsman is moving to offering lithium as a “standard option “ going forward. Details unknown.
I would think if you are specifying lithium batteries you would want a larger genset to charge the batteries faster. In my case with a 15kw generator I have both the inverter charging the battery as well as two desperate chargers to allow for much faster charging and hence less genset usage. I don’t have solar. Are newly commissioned Helmsman boats going with lithium, and if not why? And solar? If so, where would they mount the solar and how much solar can be placed?
I have three panels for 750ish watts above the helm. I probably have room for another 500-700 watts on the flybridge hard shell but don’t think I need it. Maybe down the road.

I’m still in break-in on the 6kw genset and finding it hard to turn on enough electrical systems to load the gen to 100%. It’s plenty for most of the cruising I anticipate, even on hot days.
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