Pairadice is heading South

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Haven't had an update in a while.........Looks like you are loving Kookafornia too much!!

Thats because once you get south of Monterey you are in the perfect climate!

Seldom hot, and never cold. Doesn’t rain much.

Santa Barbara is a favorite place. What a great town!

San Diego is the perfect weather place. The nearest to the 70 degree line year round that I’ve ever found.

The only problem is that 14 million people figured it out first.

Sorry for not keeping up on this, weather has been just too damn nice.

We stayed in Oxnard in the Channel Island Harbor for 35 days. Had several friends stop by for several day visits and even made a run over to the Islands. Guess were spoiled from the PNW the Islands didn’t do much for me. Also made a trip home to Vegas to check on the house and some personal business. But the main reason for staying so long was we needed to get an in water survey done because we have to change insurance companies for coverage down in Mexico.

Once that was done, we started on boat chores and a real good cleaning, Pairadice was a bit dirty from the trip so far, she needed a bit of TLC.

We departed Channel Islands on Thursday Morning and headed to San Pedro to top off the tanks. Diesel was 3.09 a gal and we took on 496 gals. Not bad, last fill up was Portland. Right at 3 gal an hour burn rate for the trip so far.

Spent 2 nights at Alamitos Bay, and this morning we headed to Oceanside to spend one night here. Tomorrow we will head to San Diego where we will stay at the Coronado Base Marina.

Ill update a bit more soon as I can, lots to share.

Tomorrow we will head to San Diego where we will stay at the Coronado Base Marina.

John, I went to a couple Navy schools at NAS North Island during Viet Nam. I remember well the Coronado Strand....actually I remember the many beautiful girls in swim suits on that endless beach that us sailors enjoyed immensely.:thumb:
John, I went to a couple Navy schools at NAS North Island during Viet Nam. I remember well the Coronado Strand....actually I remember the many beautiful girls in swim suits on that endless beach that us sailors enjoyed immensely.:thumb:

I’m sure you did, shame though, around that time the Bikini wasn’t really around yet, Ya old fart! ROFLMAO.....

Cheers Buddy!
You are likely underway by now, so this post won’t help out for the kelp and take the outside approach around the last radar bouy. A lot of large free floaters broke off the past month. I was offshore Pt Loma yesterday fishing, and had to jump in the water to clear big kelper off my rudder post. Looks like another nice day to be out there.
It’s pretty hard to get a good photo down in the lazarette. Here is a page from the Wagner catalogue making the bypass valve installation clear.

View attachment 92390

Looking at the ram, my mecanic installed tee fittings at each end. Then he connected each center port with a hose that contained a valve. When you need to bleed the system, open that valve. This allows you to rotate the wheel and remove the air without moving the rudder. . Close after a series of wheel turns (One way is okay) and the system will be charged (Assuming you have filled the revivor on the top wheel position)
You are likely underway by now, so this post won’t help out for the kelp and take the outside approach around the last radar bouy. A lot of large free floaters broke off the past month. I was offshore Pt Loma yesterday fishing, and had to jump in the water to clear big kelper off my rudder post. Looks like another nice day to be out there.

Thanks, we had already departed Oceanside, and we ended up in the middle of that crap . What a pain, nothing got caught or tangled and tons of Pots to jog through. Good thing we weren’t going through at dark, might have got ugly. And what a Zoo to get into SD on a Sunday. Fast movers, jet ski’s and the blowboaters who cut right in front of us. The Admiral was pretty stressed.
Think when we leave it’s gonna be in the middle of the week.
Some tips.

Since entering California waters, we were amazed at the rules and requirements just to park Pairadice for a night or two. Almost every marina that we used required us to reserve well in advance. Can get a bit complicated when waiting on weather window’s.
The majority of the marina’s want you to fill out an information form of theirs and provide copy of insurance declarations, Registration and or CG Documentation, copy of Drivers License and even a credit card on file. All this before they will say if they have an available slip! Maybe this is used to screen Transients. So a printer is mandatory. We now have digital copies to provide. Im always a bit uncomfortable giving Credit Card info to strangers.
Communication is another issue, few actually use VHF even when posted on website. So cell phone and email was how we were able to contact.
If you think you’ll be staying longer than a few days, dont be afraid to ask for weekly or monthly rates. We did this a few times and saved some money. And don’t plan on anchorage, they just are not available. The farther south we got, the moorage got more expensive. The Bay Area cost us $2.00 a foot per night in Sausalito and it was $4.00 a foot on the SF side. The further you go up river rates drop a bit. Monterey was $1.20 a Ft. so we stayed there for a week and even got a weekly rate of less than $1.00 a Ft. This was also during the Pebble Beach Car show and many car auctions right next to the Marina.
Santa Barbara was $2.00 a Ft. and from there we negotiated a monthly rate in the Channel Island Marina saving a bunch.
San Pedro had the best fuel price around and really high volume pumps. They move a lot of fuel at this facility. Alamitos bay $1.50 A Ft. is a pretty cool Place and we spent 2 night their so that the Admirals son could visit. Lots of stores, restaurants and bars a short walk away. Oceanside was next and we docked right in front of the Jolly Roger Restaurant/Bar and made a point of enjoying the Happy Hour. $1.50 a Ft here also
And last but not least here in San Diego, Moorage is hard to find so plan in advance. We are at the Coronado area at Fiddler’s Cove which is available for military use.
Hope this info helps someone. Be happy to pass on any other info if needed, just PM me.
The free floating kelp is not normally that bad, but it starts breaking off about this time of year. I would suggest never going north of the main bouy line, and run all the way out to the last radar bouy, and then make your turn up or down coast.

Lobster pots started going out in the past couple weeks. I know two boats who have grabbed them with their props in the past. One wheeled the cage all the up way up from the bottom and wrecked his prop. I am heading to Mission Bay this Friday and that channel can be even worse when it comes to pots.

When I got tangled on Saturday, it initially thought it was a pile of lobster pot line when I first looked down and figured I would be in the water for a half an hour cutting it off. I got off easy with the big kelp stringer and was able to pull it off after a few attempts.

Safe travels.
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Were in Mexico finally! Think we might of set a record for taking the longest to get into Mexico. We arrived a few days ago, and finished up checking into Immigration and customs yesterday morning. Kind of a long process, but Victor, the Dockmaster here at Baja Naval, was a huge help as he walked us through the whole process. For those that are considering heading into Mexico for the first time on your boat, I highly recommend using a marina that provides help in processing your paperwork. We got the TIP online but you can get it when you arrive also, cost about $85.00 USD, valid for 10 years. Best to verify that an existing tip isn’t on record for your boat prior to arriving in Mexico, a real pain if one is on record and you enter the country. If you have any fishing gear on your boat you’ll need to get fishing license for every person onboard. Another $65.00 for each person. The Port Captian fee for us was 1,116.00 Peso’s or about $60.00 USD, and they only except Credit Card, no cash (unless you go to a specific bank to handel the transaction). The Immigration fee was is another $60.00 ( Not real sure on this one) for the two of us, this is valid for 180 days. Also, if you bring a pet into Mexico, you need to get a health certificate within 10 days of entering. We got this in San Deigo, the certificate alone was $185.00 USD. (Although nobody asked for the document)
Additionally, you will need to purchase a separate Boat Liability Policy (Mexico insurance) on top of your existing insurance, another $285.00 (for us) valid for one year.
So plan on spending a bit of money, just to enter the country. Best to get everything as soon as entering Mexico, for the West Coast, Ensenada is the place.
So now we wait until Nov. 1st to continue south. Guess were gonna have to try and eat all the Taco’s and Drink plenty of beer, merely to cool down in the afternoon sun, LOL!

Well I don't pay those fees going north......
Were in Mexico finally! Think we might of set a record for taking the longest to get into Mexico. We arrived a few days ago, and finished up checking into Immigration and customs yesterday morning. Kind of a long process, but Victor, the Dockmaster here at Baja Naval, was a huge help as he walked us through the whole process. For those that are considering heading into Mexico for the first time on your boat, I highly recommend using a marina that provides help in processing your paperwork. We got the TIP online but you can get it when you arrive also, cost about $85.00 USD, valid for 10 years. Best to verify that an existing tip isn’t on record for your boat prior to arriving in Mexico, a real pain if one is on record and you enter the country. If you have any fishing gear on your boat you’ll need to get fishing license for every person onboard. Another $65.00 for each person. The Port Captian fee for us was 1,116.00 Peso’s or about $60.00 USD, and they only except Credit Card, no cash (unless you go to a specific bank to handel the transaction). The Immigration fee was is another $60.00 ( Not real sure on this one) for the two of us, this is valid for 180 days. Also, if you bring a pet into Mexico, you need to get a health certificate within 10 days of entering. We got this in San Deigo, the certificate alone was $185.00 USD. (Although nobody asked for the document)
Additionally, you will need to purchase a separate Boat Liability Policy (Mexico insurance) on top of your existing insurance, another $285.00 (for us) valid for one year.
So plan on spending a bit of money, just to enter the country. Best to get everything as soon as entering Mexico, for the West Coast, Ensenada is the place.
So now we wait until Nov. 1st to continue south. Guess were gonna have to try and eat all the Taco’s and Drink plenty of beer, merely to cool down in the afternoon sun, LOL!

Welcome to Mexico! Hope to run into you guys if you make it to La Paz. Are you waiting til November because of insurance? Would you mind sharing where you got your Mexican liability coverage? Mine expires soon and if I remember it right I paid a lot more than you did. Heading South the weather just gets better, there are more fish, food gets cheaper but marinas not so much. Good luck.
Welcome to Mexico! Hope to run into you guys if you make it to La Paz. Are you waiting til November because of insurance? Would you mind sharing where you got your Mexican liability coverage? Mine expires soon and if I remember it right I paid a lot more than you did. Heading South the weather just gets better, there are more fish, food gets cheaper but marinas not so much. Good luck.
These guys also handled our main Insurance policy, Peter (here on TF) hooked us up with them, he is now working with them.

Rob Lindley

WA Lic #: 911779

Novamar Insurance Group

1115 N Northlake Way, Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98103

Ph: 206-281-8144 or 800-823-2798

Cell: 206-475-2852


Fx: 206-281-8036

Novamar Insurance

Anyway, we are on hold until the 1st and yes, the insurance wants us to hold until after 1st of Nov before continuing south. Looks like we are gonna get tangled up with Bah Hah and Cubar crowd. Hope to be in La Paz around thanksgiving. Were itching to get going. See ya in a month or so.

These guys also handled our main Insurance policy, Peter (here on TF) hooked us up with them, he is now working with them.

Rob Lindley

WA Lic #: 911779

Novamar Insurance Group

1115 N Northlake Way, Suite 200

Seattle, WA 98103

Ph: 206-281-8144 or 800-823-2798

Cell: 206-475-2852


Fx: 206-281-8036

Novamar Insurance

Anyway, we are on hold until the 1st and yes, the insurance wants us to hold until after 1st of Nov before continuing south. Looks like we are gonna get tangled up with Bah Hah and Cubar crowd. Hope to be in La Paz around thanksgiving. Were itching to get going. See ya in a month or so.


Novamar handles our policy too.
An update on John and Tracey. They are currently in Turtle Bay. About half way down to the bay the inReach died and would not accept a charge.

Well John being Navy, thinking he can fix anything, pried up the battery which was glued to the circuit board and screwed (he used another word) it all up. They will be leaving in a day or so heading south.
The inReach is back up and running, and no I didn’t F**K it up, I was afraid to pry the battery of the circuit board. So I did the Navy Mojo dance, and it now works. Couldn’t wait for a Zoomy to show me the way.
ANyway, we are currently in Magdalena Bay with the Norhavn Taco Run group. They have accepted are Selene into their clan and should be departing here on Wednesday around Noon for a 24 hour run to San Jose Del Cabo. Be nice to tie up to a dock and shore power again. Anchor hopping for the last 16 days. All systems are running awesome, the boat has done a great job taking care of us.
If enough interest Ill load up some pics once we get good wifi.

The zoomy did a fly over in its stealth Costco ROV.....Can't teach Navy anything
Greetings John, enjoying following your travels south. It was sure good to meet you & Tracey as well as Tom & Kay when you cruised our way in 2018. I always think of you guys and GFC whenever I consume a Klondike bar on the boat!
Some dear friends of ours sailed south from here a little over 2 years ago and recently transited the Panama canal. You might enjoy their blog "" that chronicles their voyage. Safe travels.
Hi Eric,

Hope all is well there in Tri-Cities! Haven’t had a Klondike Bar in a long time, dont appear to be in high demand down here in Mexico.
Looked up your friends blog and viewed a couple of there posts regarding the canal passage. Great info!
Everyone has a slightly different take on the canal passage and the amount of time, money and “Issue’s” but its all good. We still have a long ways to go and way too many more stops.
But it is a journey we are excited about.
Cheers my friend.
Hi Eric,

Hope all is well there in Tri-Cities! Haven’t had a Klondike Bar in a long time, dont appear to be in high demand down here in Mexico.
Looked up your friends blog and viewed a couple of there posts regarding the canal passage. Great info!
Everyone has a slightly different take on the canal passage and the amount of time, money and “Issue’s” but its all good. We still have a long ways to go and way too many more stops.
But it is a journey we are excited about.
Cheers my friend.

As regards your canal passage, I would not expect it to be no big deal for you. The rules and regs and common practices there are well known by all the locals, and they will get you through OK. You have probably heard about the number of line handlers and line lengths required and that they are available for hire if you need them. I have been through on one guided missile destroyer, two battleships, and one 105-foot fast ferry boat I was skippering with a crew of eight from New Jersey to San Diego. That last vessel was in 1989, and at the time of passage, I was informed by our pilot that I held third place on the swiftness-of-passage list for a piloted vessel - they keep track. We had four screws powered by four 12V92TA Detroits, and the pilot had me slipping by large cargo vessels even as they were entering the locks so as to get in front of them. Then, even before the doors began to open, he had me cast off and get into the middle of the lock and moving toward the doors as they cracked open. We were at full throttle doing about 20 knots as we passed through the doors which were about 1/3 the way open with just a few feet of clearance on either beam.
Sorry for not keeping up on this, weather has been just too damn nice.

Spent 2 nights at Alamitos Bay, and this morning we headed to Oceanside to spend one night here. Tomorrow we will head to San Diego where we will stay at the Coronado Base Marina.

Ill update a bit more soon as I can, lots to share.


Say hi to Fiddlers Cove Marina (NAB Coronado's marina) for me. Spent four years there on my trawler, one active duty and three retired. Loved every minute of it.
Day 141, total NM’s traveled to date is 2126 and currently docked in San Jose Del Cabo.

Got in yesterday just after Noon local time and our slip is in a very nice Marina, a one of a kind. Unique design. Much quieter with no hustle and bussel like Cabo and just under a buck a foot per night. Will be here for 5 days.

We spent 6 days in Magdalena Bay where we hid out from a storm that arrived off the tip of Cabo. Surrounded once again by 6 Nordies and the entire fleet of the Baja HA-HA (125 sailboats) roughly 100 left as we were arriving, pretty impressive sight. About 30 sailboats remained in the bay, they also decided to ride the upcoming storm out at anchor with us.
We were able to beach the dink almost anywhere in the bay as no surf hits the beach. A first for us on this trip. Our dink is a heavy beast and you dont want to beach it for very long as it will either float away or end up on the beach when the tide goes out. And at 700+ pounds, were not moving it to refloat. So we used our bag of tricks to make sure it remained floated.
Mag Bay is a very well protected bay with a small fishing village just in front of where we anchored. Was a great little break and really enjoyed it. Social gatherings with the Nordy Taco Run crew as well as the sailing crowd was a great way to pass the time.
Prior to Mag bay we anchored one night each in Asuncion and Abreojos. Not the greatest anchorage but worked for us. Prior to that we spent 6 days in Turtle Bay. We arrived early in the morning took a short nap and woke up to the Nordies surrounded us and 125 sailboats from the Baja HA-HA surrounding them. We were the third boat in the bay when we arrived.
And this bay could easily accommodate another 200 boats. Prior to Turtle Bay we anchored at San Quintin (pronounced Keen-Teen) for one night and Bahia Colonet. Both anchorage’s were nice rest stops.


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Some more pics


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Been real lucky with the fishing. Every time i put a line out we have caught something. And actuall kept a few.


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A few more.


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