Pairadice is heading South

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What a great trip, I am jealous. I used to surf San Quintin and Colonet years ago. We slept on the beach and had the break to ourselves. Probably not the case anymore. Keep the photos coming.
OK where the hell are you and whatcha doing? Got a place to dry dock yet?
Currently on a road trip in Durango, very old town with some awesome Architecture. The drive to Durango was stunning, lost track of how many tunnels are on the road. We are heading back to the coast in the morning. Will spend the night in Los Mochis, then on up to San Carlos/Guaymas for a storage yard in which we will park Pairadice early April for the summer. Should be back to the boat in Mazatlan either Saturday or Sunday.
Kinda nice to get off the boat for almost a week and play like tourists.
Durango was one of my favorite western destinations. Beautiful area with mtns, 4-corners, petrified forest and hot springs nearby... a great town with character. I flew into there but never spent enough time.

Have you ridden the train? I need to return for that experience and the hot springs.
John, what's your itinerary for the next few months?
Durango was one of my favorite western destinations. Beautiful area with mtns, 4-corners, petrified forest and hot springs nearby... a great town with character. I flew into there but never spent enough time.

Have you ridden the train? I need to return for that experience and the hot springs.
Did the train ride from Durango to Silverton and back 50 years ago when I was teenager. Very scenic; extremely beautiful country. Highly recommend it and would do it again if in the area.

Did the train ride from Durango to Silverton and back 50 years ago when I was teenager. Very scenic; extremely beautiful country. Highly recommend it and would do it again if in the area.


Are we speaking of Durango MX or CO. The MX Copper Canyon train trip is amazing.
Do you plan on cruising the Baja side at all this season? If so, could connect at Mulege or any playa down the bay. No more homebrew sorry, but we have good local brewpub now!

Safe travels!
Did the train ride from Durango to Silverton and back 50 years ago when I was teenager. Very scenic; extremely beautiful country. Highly recommend it and would do it again if in the area.


We drove through Durango CO a few months ago on a road trip, coming south from Montrose, through Silverton. Red Mountain Pass to the north of Silverton is an eye opener. Around 11,000 feet, no shoulders or guard rails since they interfere with snow plows. My wife hasn't forgiven me yet for taking her on that pass.:eek:
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Did the train ride from Durango to Silverton and back 50 years ago when I was teenager. Very scenic; extremely beautiful country. Highly recommend it and would do it again if in the area.


Ha, me too. Maybe we were on the same train. One of the guide wheel bearings burned out on the run to silverton, and they had to repair it before we returned. I was in heaven watching them jack up the truck, hammer out the old bearing, and put in a new one.
Ha, me too. Maybe we were on the same train. One of the guide wheel bearings burned out on the run to silverton, and they had to repair it before we returned. I was in heaven watching them jack up the truck, hammer out the old bearing, and put in a new one.
I can relate. The rest of my family wanted to go see the town, I wanted to investigate the engine.

You guys crack me up! The boat is in Mazatlan, we rented a car and drove over to Durango, yep the one in Mexico. This morning we drove back to the coast in order to get to Los Mochas, were we are now. The road is a pretty amazing engineering road. 58 tunnels, and 5 tool booths. Cost was 665 Peso’s or about $35.00 US dollars. The Admiral took lots of photo’s, so when I can transfer them, Ill post a few.
Anyway, we wanted to take the Train ride thru Copper Canyon, but we have the dog with us and no dogs allowed on the train. The Copper Canyon is so big, you could put 3-4 Grand Canyons in it. It’s still on the bucket list though.
Anyway, we checked out the Marina in Topolobampa as it is one of the only safe spots to park when traveling either north or south on the mainland. Not much there and a pretty long drive to get to Los Mochas.
Were heading up to San Carlos/Guaymas in the morning to find a place to haul the boat out for the summer and maybe get some work done on her. Then we head back to the boat in Mazatlan for a few weeks. From there, we will head back over to the La Paz area. Hope the Norther’s die down a bit so we can Cruz up the East Side of Baja, tons of Islands and little cove’s to explore.
Sorry for not keeping up on things here, just to many Taco joints to try out, and the weather is awesome. Flip flops, shorts are the norm for 75-80 degree weather.
Cheers all!
Do you plan on cruising the Baja side at all this season? If so, could connect at Mulege or any playa down the bay. No more homebrew sorry, but we have good local brewpub now!

Safe travels!

Yep, we will be heading your way shortly, ill Pm ya when we get a bit closer.
No home brew! The locals will be hard pressed to compare to your Brew.

OK John, ASD and I want to know if you caught the fish in the pictures or Tracey. I recall that she had the hot hand for fish in Alaska.
OK John, ASD and I want to know if you caught the fish in the pictures or Tracey. I recall that she had the hot hand for fish in Alaska.

Yes inquiring minds want to know. I am just the boat boy/bilge monkey...:socool:
I caught them, while reeling in those monsters Tracey runs the boat. Then she takes the pics, She did have to reel in a Tuna when we had both lines hit though.
So we made it to San Carlos today to check out the facilities for storing the boat this summer. Nice little town and the facilities are just what we are looking for. Spending the night here in San Carlos tonight, then we head back to Mazatlan in the morning. Ready to hang out at the pool and have the pool boys bring the Cervesa’s for a few days.


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