Paragraphs please

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
First allow me to say that my initial comment (comment #6) about the correct use of words was half in jest. With that being said, one has to admit we can all do better if we try.

I agree with the paragraphs suggestion but don't think we should be grammarians or spell checkers. The forum is not just for English majors.......

With all due respect, the correct use of grammar and spelling is not just for those with an English major. Anyone with a high school education should have the ability to use basic grammar and basic spelling. We're not talking about winning a spelling bee here, simple everyday words should not present a problem and if they do then one should take the extra time to proof read their comment prior to posting it. Remember, the internet is forever!

From my viewpoint, I see it as many of us are suffering from laziness. I too am guilty at times and that's one of the reasons I brought it up in the manner I did, half in jest. On the other hand part of my problem, possibly yours as well, is that my mind works faster than my fingers and for this reason I frequently reread what I typed prior to my hitting the "Submit Reply" button. Truthfully, if you could see the number of edits after the original posting of my comments you'd be astonished how bad my first iteration was.

NOTE: None of the above applies to our non-native English speakers here on TF.
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Comunication seems fine.

The only time I have trouble understanding some TF members is when they use acronyms. Wish nobody did. I quit reading some posts because I don't know what the're talking about. I think it's rude.
Merci beaucoup

Calm down its not real life its a internet forum. And a international one at that and don't forget English isn't everyone first language ;)

Pardon me for starting a sentence with And :blush:

Thank you Gaston for thinking about foreign members whose first language is not English. I do appreciate.
"The only time I have trouble understanding some TF members is when they use acronyms. Wish nobody did. I quit reading some posts because I don't know what the're talking about. I think it's rude. __________________


Here's a few of the basic ones to get you on the road to the 21st century...

YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
FWIW = For What It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
CYA = Cover Your Azz
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LMAO = Laughing My Azz Off
ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Azz Off
OMG = Oh My God
POV = Point of View
WTF = What the F@#k
XOXO = Hugs and Kisses

All in good fun of course! :D

For more...
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I knew six of those.

These should not be frequently used by normal people.
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Ok, you're a group of people who have their own BDL (Boat description language) and you can't handle a few acronyms? Bow is the pointy end in front (usually), stern is the squarish end on the back. LOA, LWL, etc.

There are so many specialized names for stuff I started collecting a list and wound up with a dictionary (on Now that I've collected over 3100 of the most common terms used in marine lingo, I have a pretty good idea what's being said, most of the time.

I have a few pet peeves, like where to put a space. Some put a space before the comma which derails my brain.

Some spell ect rather than etc.

At least the system allows us to modify our messages for a bit, so if you do make a mistake, re-read your message and correct it.

Since you ask so nicely, here is a pair of graphs:




  • Pair-of-graphs.JPG
    14 KB · Views: 295
What annoys me as a Australian English speaking person v Americans spelling. No wonder America still uses imperial measurement :nonono:

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That reminds me. Some posts are too long, no matter how well "paragraphed".
Mr. g. With the Americanization of the "English" (the Queen's English) language I think what you should say instead of " No wonder America still uses imperial measurement" is "It is a wonder America still uses imperial measurement".
Two friendly countries separated by a common language...Churchill when describing the US and England, I think.

Mr. BK. But, but...Mr. g was only up to the "d's".
Yes, I confess, I am an English major (and still got a job!) but I've developed a very thick skin when it comes to bad writing. It's pointless to get upset at the tsunami of bad writing and grammar in today's culture, as if you're drowning in the middle of the Pacific and you get angry at the water. There are two things that still drive me nuts though, when they're used on any boating forum. Those cylindrical cranky things on sailboats are called winches, not wenches!! And that motorized cranky thing on your bow that pulls up your anchor is a windlass, not a windless!!! For crying out loud, you crank your jib sheets with winches, wenches are the buxom German-looking babes on St. Pauli Girl beer posters.

Okay, I feel better now.
Would anybody take ect to mean something different than ect.
What's the point?
And then there's windlass and windless ... nobody is going to confuse that either.

And I often make/leave spaces to cause a tiny pause to the timing of the flow of the words to make it flow better ... and be more comunicative. Getting the job done better.

The only thing I intend to change or improve is my terrible spelling. I am actually improving though.
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Would anybody take ect to mean something different than ect.

The only thing I intend to change or improve is my terrible spelling.

You mean, like, etc.?

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Yes, I confess, I am an English major (and still got a job!). I've developed a very thick skin when it comes to bad writing. It's pointless to get upset at the tsunami of bad writing and grammar in today's culture. It is as if you're drowning in the middle of the Pacific and you get angry at the water.

There are two things that still drive me nuts though, when they're used on any boating forum. Those cylindrical cranky things on sailboats are called winches, not wenches!! That motorized cranky thing on your bow that pulls up your anchor is a windlass, not a windless!!!

For crying out loud, you crank your jib sheets with winches. Wenches are the buxom German-looking babes on St. Pauli Girl beer posters.

Okay, I feel better now.

KT, I tried to set your paragraph and sentence structure up to comport with those of us that claim ADD is running rampant on TF. It is more fun than trying a snappy reply.

BB and THD, you two are next.
If I am upside down, with my trifocals blipping from visible to invisible, when typing (meaning finger stabbing) an answer, quarantine. (damned auto corrext$. Question it becomes apparent that the true message comes through even though the text appears wrong. We all put aside our precious linguistics and go with it. Well.... Most of us. Some just have to pick pick pick. , , not necessarily in that order.
KT, I tried to set your paragraph and sentence structure up to comport with those of us that claim ADD is running rampant on TF. It is more fun than trying a snappy reply.....

Should it read... "I tried to set your paragraph and sentence structure up to comport with those of us who claim ADD is running rampant on TF."?
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Does anyone here expect quick forum posts to be much more than text messages for content, grammar and spelling?

Dream on...if a point gets through, you are already ahead of the game....especially if it saves you time, money or your life.

Want proper English and good a book. :eek:

I hopefully provide valuable info when appropriate...if you want anything else with it...please send money. :D
"A woman, without her man, is nothing."

"A woman: without her, man is nothing."
I've seen boating related threads that didn't get this much interest.

Sent from my iPad using Trawler Forum
Should it read... "I tried to set your paragraph and sentence structure up to comport with those of us who claim ADD is running rampant on TF."?
Not necessarily.

For me, this reinforces all the reasons not to be an online grammar cop. The truth is that grammar is a very complex subject where there are many blurred lines between style and correctness.

Historically the word "that" was the only relative pronoun, used for both human and non-human subjects. The the pronoun "who" came along later. This is a much debated area. However, it's generally agreed that "who" should only be used for human subjects and that "that" can be used for either. Stylistically, "that" is often used where the human subject is not known personally to the author (as in the example given above.)

Incidentally, the proliferation of -ize endings in American English dates back to 15th century English. As with many supposed "Americanisms" it's actually old English that has remained unchanged in the US. It also happens to be a perfectly acceptable spelling in England.

In my opinion it's poor form to correct other people's spelling and grammar in a forum. In some cases the correction will be wrong or at least debatable. In many others the "grammar cop" will make a different grammatical "error" in his or her post.


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