Perfection Plus Varnish system

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May 22, 2019
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48' Golden Egg Harbor
I started in on the new to us Egg Harbor. The old Varnish was flaking off after years of neglect. I stripped it with a scraper, heat gun. Then hit it with some Eco Teak cleaner that was recommended to me. There are stronger teak cleaners out there, but this stuff did not damage any trim, fiberglass or painted areas. I will use it again. After than I sanded with 120, and put my first coat of reduced Interlux Perfection Plus on. Let it sit overnight and did a second coat the following day. Next up is a light sand, clean and will add a total of 5 coats of Perfection Plus. After a few good days to cure I will then add 2-4 coats of Interlux Compass clear Varnish. The reason I use the compass clear top coat is that I can sand/buff it out to a mirror finish, and its very repairable.


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Interesting idea to top it with varnish. When I put it on my pulpit teak I found the perfection plus to be very shiny on its own with no buffing or anything.
Varnish is the last thing I want as a top coat. My goal is long lasting over mirror finish. While it might be easier to get a mirror finish with the varnish, you are now committed to redoing it every year.
I like perfection plus. But stuff is hard to get a hold of currently. I have a quart on back-order with defender since mid-march with no delivery in sight....
Varnish is the last thing I want as a top coat. My goal is long lasting over mirror finish. While it might be easier to get a mirror finish with the varnish, you are now committed to redoing it every year.

Unfortunately you are correct. It will need annual touch up, especially being outside and uncovered. But I have never been able to achieve the same level of finish with the Perfection plus on its own. I can get close, but it just does not give off the same luster/reflectiveness. But I do like it as a base as it builds simi fast, and stays on!

This is a base of the Hi-Low table I just finished up using the same method.


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I like perfection plus. But stuff is hard to get a hold of currently. I have a quart on back-order with defender since mid-march with no delivery in sight....

You are correct, I do have a few cans I have tucked away over last winter.
The local place has 20 or so on back order, has been that way for months.
Rumors I hear: the products are made, waiting for cans to show up, and ship out. I have enough for the tow rail on my boat, after that I will be waiting. But checking with other options, many are out of stock of the good stuff. Awlwood is on backorder as well.
This is the time of year for all true yachtsmen to come forth and varnish.
And to avoid the sense of being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what could use a coat I go for the "piece that needs it the most..." That was the two cabinets on the back deck. This is straight varnish as the are pretty sheltered there.....
And to avoid the sense of being overwhelmed by the sheer volume of what could use a coat I go for the "piece that needs it the most..." That was the two cabinets on the back deck. This is straight varnish as the are pretty sheltered there.....

Very nice !
0scar,what did you put on the ladder steps, they look great, thinking of doing something with our Teak ones.

I contacted Interlux help line last week. They got back to me last Friday and said their resin pipeline had dried up. Their estimate for first retail deliveries is July. They recommended getting on a supplier's wait list as companies fill wait list in order.
I contacted Interlux help line last week. They got back to me last Friday and said their resin pipeline had dried up. Their estimate for first retail deliveries is July. They recommended getting on a supplier's wait list as companies fill wait list in order.

Thanks for the info.

I have a cockpit table that I had stripped the varnish on over the winter expecting to Perfection Plus it. A couple of weeks ago my wife informed me it was a mandatory cruising item, up there with life jackets. So I had to resort to several coats of Epiphanes gloss varnish which I will no doubt be stripping again come next winter....
0scar,what did you put on the ladder steps, they look great, thinking of doing something with our Teak ones.


That was PO's work. Best I can tell it is straight spar varnish.
Thanks for the info.

I have a cockpit table that I had stripped the varnish on over the winter expecting to Perfection Plus it. A couple of weeks ago my wife informed me it was a mandatory cruising item, up there with life jackets. So I had to resort to several coats of Epiphanes gloss varnish which I will no doubt be stripping again come next winter....

What’s wrong with the epiphanes?
It is beautiful, but...close to ten coats of finish?

A friend was very proud of his brightwork. He spent hours and hours working on it. It truly was beautiful. I believe he used Epiphanes (sp). He had researched a number of products and tried most of them.

He had cancer and missed about two seasons of boating, along with two seasons of maintenance. He passed away during the third winter. His boat was covered in the winter but in a slip all summer. His widow will sell it this year and I am sure it will be listed as "Needs TLC" most of his brightwork is peeling and looks just plain bad.

I painted all my exposed teak.

What’s wrong with the epiphanes?

Nothing, as far a varnish goes it's probably the best you can get. But varnish doesn't last and has a relatively soft finish. The Perfection Plus is more durable and UV resistant. It doesn't yellow. And it doesn't require as many coats to build up a thick finish.
I have used Epifanes for over 20 years as my personal thinking is that it has some of the best UV protection.
However, like all oil-based varnishes, it breaks down in sunlight over time.
To protect the varnish layer, I apply just one coat of Awlbrite 3 part polyurethane.
Polyurethanes for me have little UV protection but I only want it to protect the underlying varnish layer.
You should expect at least a 3x life if you go this route.
I have used Epifanes for over 20 years as my personal thinking is that it has some of the best UV protection.
However, like all oil-based varnishes, it breaks down in sunlight over time.
To protect the varnish layer, I apply just one coat of Awlbrite 3 part polyurethane.
Polyurethanes for me have little UV protection but I only want it to protect the underlying varnish layer.
You should expect at least a 3x life if you go this route.
Have you had any issues with the Awlbrite adhering to the varnish? How long have you used this method? How often do you have to reapplythe Awlbrite? Thanks.
Between varnish coats, I'll sand with 220. After the final varnish coat, I'll sand with 400 before applying the Awlbrite.
I've been varnishing boats professionally for 20 years in Florida and have never had an issue with adherence.
I have some boats down there which live full time in the harsh Florida sun. A life expectancy of 3 years is not unusual and it's normally moisture inclusion at joints that have cracked that are the main issue.
My only solution for joint cracking is to open out the joint, varnish as per normal but you now have effectively two separate rails. On completion, I'll mask up each side of the joint and lay in/smooth out black Teak Decking Systems Caulk.
My normal mtce regime after 2/3 years or whatever will be sanding the Awlbrite with 220, carrying out any repairs (building back with multi-varnish coats) and applying 2 x separate coats of Epifanes varnish followed by another Awlbrite topcoat.
After 6 coats of Perfection, a good sand/polish I put it back together. I planned on a top coat of Compass clear, but the wife said its time to go out in the boat and to stop working on it for a few weeks!


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I'd say that looks darn good as-is!
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