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Wanted: Pocket Trawler 26 - 29 ft

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2015
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Trojan F32
I know this is a long shot, but if you don't ask you'll never know.
We're going to do the small version of the great loop the Triangle Loop.
I have a 1999 Bayliner 2655 Ciera. I would really like to get a small trawler to do this trip on. Any one interested in making some kind of trade?
We really think a small trawler would be a lot better boat of us now.
"We really think a small trawler would be a lot better boat of us now."

In what way?
"We really think a small trawler would be a lot better boat of us now."

In what way?

For one thing it would be more economical to run than a cruiser and it has more living space. I really like the interior layout on the small trawlers. We plan to do more longer trips and with something I could trailer I'd be open to more geographical areas to go. This year we are going to do the Erie canal,Oswego, Thousand Island, Rideau Canal, Ottawa River,Richelieu River and Lake Champlain. I think for trips like this a small Trawler would be nice.
What price range is your search? There are a lot of good used boats out there to 29 Ft LOA.
Not sure I would agree that small trawlers have more (useable) living space than some other vessels...the Rangers sure seemed chopped up an tiny spaces to me.

Have yu ever spent weeks aboard these size vessels you are thinking about? How about your current boat?
RF246 Rosborough boats

What do members think about the RF246 Rosborough b0ats in general. Are they good value, for example and what is a good power for this pocket trawler? what other make is considered there competition.
I am considering buying a Rosborough but I am having trouble justifying the price both new and used
I think they are a great vacation type boat if you have them set up the way you want to cruise them (heat/air/food storage, etc).

As far as worth it...if it fits you better than anything else...it is worth a premium...but that is rarely the case.

I have no idea what they cost used on average...but to me almost NO new boat is worth the money they are asking...but that is just relative to how much you have to spend.
You'll loose a great deal of money selling Ciera and buying another boat. Then almost no boat comes fit out the way one wants ... "This is rediclous there no anchor winch" ... and other such things will insure you'll spend more money.

Many people go to Alaska on sailboats. Far from the ideal boat but they have them. I'd consider running the Ciera.

The Rosbororoughs are quite expensive IMO.
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I will be selling my 28 Cape Dory Hard Tp Cruiser

I know this is a long shot, but if you don't ask you'll never know.
We're going to do the small version of the great loop the Triangle Loop.
I have a 1999 Bayliner 2655 Ciera. I would really like to get a small trawler to do this trip on. Any one interested in making some kind of trade?
We really think a small trawler would be a lot better boat of us now.

I will be selling my 1986 28 Cape Dory Hard Top Cruiser this spring - I am not interested in a trade - If you have an interest check out the other boats available on boats.com

Then what you will find interesting about my boat is that it has been completely refitted - all the systems replaced and up dated - The only thing that is original is the frig.

Re-powered with a 315 Yanmar - 1000 hours cruise between 10 and 14 knots. WOT 19

More details if you think this boat will work for you.

I tried to add a picture - but couldn't figure that part out.

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Picture 28 Cape Dory Hard Top Cruiser

Lets see if this works - got it done.


  • Cape Dory 2010 N Channel.jpg
    Cape Dory 2010 N Channel.jpg
    114.8 KB · Views: 145
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If you want a bigger boat, go for it. But don't buy it thinking it will make your trip any better. I shared locks with many boats of that size and design during our little loop trip. Everyone aboard was smiling.

This loop is also about docking and getting off the boat and sight seeing. The smaller boat is cheaper to run, easier to dock and lock and your canal fees will be less. There is very little reason or place to anchor out once you get in the loop proper. You are usually tying up at locks for the night or pulling into Marina's. The Hudson is very, very deep right up to the shoreline so plan on pulling into a marina each night. Docking is included in the Erie and Champlain canal fees and cheap as dirt in the Canadian canals. There are usually electricity and water hookup.

You could do this trip comfortably in your car if you could get it to float.
Lets see if this works - got it done.

Now that is a nice looking boat. I like the lines. Looks like it can handle some bad weather as well. I like the tall hand rail up front and the extended cabin.
My wife and I own several different vessels at this point in our lives to include a 2008 Mainship 34 Trawler Hardtop and a 2007 Rosborough we had commissioned in Nova Scotia... The Mainship only has 150 hours on her and the Rosborough many more. The only one we would consider selling at this point would be the Mainship!
Chris & Sabrina
There is this one:


Looks like it might need some clean up, but the price is right. If you get a camper top for the midship section (as other have done) you'd have a pretty big space.

I know nothing about this particular boat other than what is in the ad (I have nothing to do with it).
The Prairie 29 is about as big of a 29 foot boat you could find!! But....there is nothing wrong with that Bayliner. They pack a lot into that 26 feet. And I don't think there is much more room in that CD28 as there is your Bayliner. But that CD28 is a looker for sure.
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