Port battery box water

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Veteran Member
Oct 13, 2019
Has anyone else ever had to replace the pan under the generator on the pet side ? If so, how did you accomplish this ?
It might help to mention the boat make (Marlowe or Mainship?) and model. Beyond that, I can be of no help, sorry.
Some photos of the area might help. How big a genset it it? How much does it weigh? I have picked up a genset in a boat a long time ago. It wasn’t particularly easy but it was doable. It depends on how much room you have around the genset and how much it weighs. If you have room you can fabricate a crane over it and lift it up enough to get the old pan out and the new pan in.
This sounds a bit like a generator question rather than a boat specific question. The title makes no sense in relation to the scope of the question.

Is the challenge how to replace the pan? Or how to access the space??

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