Portland OR Reverse Heat/AC tec?

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
I have a fairly new Dometic 12 BTU reverse heat, AC compressor. Can anyone recommend someone to me. The closest Dometic rep is in Seattle.
Good luck with that. I tried to find someone to sell me 4-5 units. Talked with 2 different outfits in Portland area with no luck. Finally called Dometic and they had someone from Seattle contact me. Sent him all the boat information he requested and said he would get back to me. That was Aug 5, finally bought from someone in Florida last week.
Good luck with that. I tried to find someone to sell me 4-5 units. Talked with 2 different outfits in Portland area with no luck. Finally called Dometic and they had someone from Seattle contact me. Sent him all the boat information he requested and said he would get back to me. That was Aug 5, finally bought from someone in Florida last week.
This seems to be a recurring theme here in the Portland area.
I am in need of the same thing. Maybe we can get a group together to make it worth their while to come to PDX for a day of service calls.
If I only needed repairs, I think I would contact an RV air conditioning shop and work out a deal.
To follow up and close this thread.

Issue: Reverse air unit. Worked in cold, but not heat. Cold, compressor worked, heat nothing.

Looked at schematic and found that in cool mold I had 120ac at the valve selector coil. In heat 0vAC at coil. Traced wiring to thermostat found a wire disconnected from the back. Re-installed works GREAT.
To follow up and close this thread.

Issue: Reverse air unit. Worked in cold, but not heat. Cold, compressor worked, heat nothing.

Looked at schematic and found that in cool mold I had 120ac at the valve selector coil. In heat 0vAC at coil. Traced wiring to thermostat found a wire disconnected from the back. Re-installed works GREAT.

Gotta love it when you are able to fix it yourself.
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