question regarding strenth of binoculars

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I have a pair of Steiners, but would like to also get a pair of stabilized binoculars. I did have a pair of Canon stabilized. How do the Fuji stabilized compare to the Cannon stabilized.
Hopefully someone who just shopped both will tell the story...

But my experience with them and reading multiple threads on the Fujis have a greater range of stabilization that many will swear by...but there are a lot of satisfied Canon users too.
I have a pair of Steiners, but would like to also get a pair of stabilized binoculars. I did have a pair of Canon stabilized. How do the Fuji stabilized compare to the Cannon stabilized.

When I was shopping, the big Fuji specs said +/- 5° stabilization, the compact Fuji said =/- 3°, and I think most of the Cannons said +/- 1° stabiilzation. Check that spec. Another spec was about eye relief, but they all mostly sucked for an eyeglasses wearer. A third was that they're all center focus. And then weight.

FWIW, we got wifey the compact Fuji, mostly because of the weight. She's been very satisfied but I don't find her's usable at all. Mostly because the eye width adjustment isn't easy, partly because of eye relief (eyeglasses)., partly because center focus sucks.

I have a pair of Steiners, but would like to also get a pair of stabilized binoculars. I did have a pair of Canon stabilized. How do the Fuji stabilized compare to the Cannon stabilized.

I have both: 18x50 Canon and 14x40 Fujinon. The Fujinon are far superior in stabilizing the image when offshore. The only time I use the Canons now is on the ICW since they are more powerful and the stabilization is adequate for inland waters.
The 14x40 Fujinons I have focus on the right side of the unit with the right hand index finger.
Unifying the different viewpoints

Now here is a strong opinion. Here is another. I had both, Fujinon 7x50 and Techno-Stabi 14 power. Sold the Techno's. Never found them of much use. Field of view far too narrow.

Sorry to come out as strongly opinionated. It is really that I am expressing my frustration with myself for waiting to try several non-stabilized binoculars before trying the stabilized ones.

Also your point of view when combined with mine supports the idea that different eyes have different capture speed and different hands have different levels of stability. It may very well be that some people are adept at providing sufficient stability for their eyes to capture the details with non-stabilized binoculars.

Consequently, I believe that the best contribution we can make is to combine these two points of view and suggest that everyone should try the stabilized binoculars to deal with their individual stability capabilities and binocular needs. It is the best way for one to determine if there are enough reasons to buy them or to pass them.

Thanks for debating.
Old worthless 7x50 Nikon binos. Using since 1984.


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