Raymarine ST6002

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Sep 17, 2023
Has anyone here have the ST 6002 display on the raymarine AP not match the compass heading? When I turn power on to the boat the AP computer and display turn on. As I come out of the marina and get going on the lake the compass and ST6002 display stop matching. Like 30 degrees off. So when I hit the auto button the boat tends to wander, the motor turns left or right randomly. Or it turns hard one way or the other. Any good starting points to start trouble shooting would be great, thanks
If you haven’t already, I would try going into configuration and putting it through the ”learning” steps again. (On a nice, calm day in an area with no current)
I’ve done that twice now and it seems to keep reverting back. Really weird since every time I first turn on power to the 12v stuff. The compass and AP display match.
Does the compass act up on the same heading each time? Spin a circle in standby while watching your heading on the autopilot to make sure the compass counts up through 360 degrees without locking up momentarily. If thats the case, maybe a quadrant is missing in the fluxgate sensor.
Starting with the dead-simple stuff... let's eliminate some magnetic or EMF anomaly in your marina.
If you restart the equipment a few miles out into the lake, do the compass and AP match there upon startup?
Great question, I will check that out when I go back to the boat this coming weekend. Thanks
About the restart in the lake. Yes, upon start up both seem to match again.
You should get in touch with Raymarine customer support. I had a strange/random issue last year, they were absolute bulldogs about getting it figured out.


They will probably ask you to ohm-out the leads from the compass, maybe go ahead and do that before contacting them.
Correct results are:
Red to Green - 4 ohms
Red to Yellow - 4 ohms
Green to Yellow - 8 ohms
Screen to Blue - 8 ohms
All other combinations - OPEN
Compass failure would be identified should any of the above listed resistances show an open circuit (infinite resistance) or deviate from the above listed resistance value by +/- 2 Ohms.
You might consider deactivating one of the heading sources. They shouldn’t be 30° off, but multiple heading sources usually confuses things like autopilot steering. It sure does on our boat. My two sources are a good old compass and the rate compass on my Simrad autopilot. They are often 30° off and I suspect the rate compass is gunked up from age and reacting very slowly.
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